Diplica - Wikipedia
Diplica or diplice is a single-reed instrument from the Balkans, which has been playing in different forms through many parts of Croatia, but now survives mainly in the Baranya region.
Diplicas are double-clarinets. The widespread practice of playing wind instruments in pairs led to the development of the double, or even triple or quadruple, clarinets. Most were double clarinets, with two tubes of reed firmly tied or glued together in a parallel position where one of the tubes f…Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字- 预计阅读时间:2 分钟
Diplica, the Ancient Pipe of Croatia - World Music Central
2024年3月24日 · The diplica or diplice is an ancient, simple wind instrument that was played in different forms in many parts of Croatia. Today it is preserved and used only in Baranja or …
Diplica - Organology
The diplica is a double-reed wind instrument commonly made from wood, often sourced from local trees such as plum, cherry, or walnut. Its design is simple yet functional, reflecting the rural …
2018年4月21日 · Diplica: Diplica是一种古老,简单的管乐器,在克罗地亚的许多地方以不同形式演奏。今天它只在巴兰加(克罗地亚的一部分)被保存和使用。 diplica大部分是由芦苇制成的, …
Puhačka glazbala – Hrvatska tradicijska glazbala
Diplica is an ancient, simple musical instrument that was played in various variants in many Croatian regions, and has survived to this day only in Slavonia and Baranja.
Diplica - Encyclopedia Information
The diplica has a traditional mouth horn that holds an idioglot reed and two pipes carved from one piece of wood. [1] The pipe has a few (usually five) finger holes drilled into it. It is usually in the …
2019年5月16日 · Diplica je preteča gajdi, duda, šurli, te raznih vrsta mihova, i premda je vrlo jednostavna gotovo začuđuje bogatstvom i ljepotom zvuka koji proizvodi. Na slici lijevo su diplice od trstike, a na slici desno su sviroke s …
diplica - World Music Central
Diplica - Stjepan Veckovic. Your Connection to traditional and contemporary World Music, including folk, roots, global music, ethno and crosscultural fusions
Diplica je preteča gajdi, duda, šurli, te raznih vrsta mihova, i premda je vrlo jednostavna gotovo začuđuje bogatstvom i ljepotom zvuka koji proizvodi. Na slici lijevo su diplice od trstike, a na slici desno su sviroke s otoka Silbe izrađene …
Diplica - Wikiwand
Diplica or diplice is a single-reed instrument from the Balkans, which has been playing in different forms through many parts of Croatia, but now survives mainly in the Baranya region.