Department of Environmental Protection - NYC.gov
Pay your water and wastewater bills online quickly and securely. My DEP Account is the centralized portal for all DEP customer online activities. You can also make a one-time payment for your bills.
My DEP | Sign in - New York City
Welcome to My DEP Account! The centralized portal for all NYC DEP Customer online activities. My DEP Account has been updated with a new look and additional features.
Welcome to Florida Department of Environmental Protection
About DEP. DEP, through statutory authority, is responsible for the administration, supervision, development, and conservation of Florida's natural resources. Learn More
Department of Environmental Protection | Department of ...
Our mission is to protect Pennsylvania’s air, land, and water resources while ensuring the health and safety of all residents and visitors to the commonwealth. Created to accelerate permit …
How to Pay - DEP - NYC.gov
You can make payments online, by phone or mail, or in person. If you need help setting up an account, have questions about your bill, or would like to learn more about your options if you cannot pay your bill in full, please contact Customer Service.
Customer Service - DEP - NYC.gov
Our customer service representatives can help you look up your water and sewer account information, schedule service inspections, repairs, and permit requests, and help you understand your payment options. Customers can receive service at any Borough Office regardless of their borough of residence.
Home | DEP Business Portal
The DEP Business Portal is an open door for residents, local governments and the private sector to find information and transact business with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.