Converting dBV to dBSPL - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2023年11月22日 · \$\begingroup\$ I dont want to convert just -38 dBV to dBSPL. That is pointless at this point. I want to convert ALL values to dBSPL. After researching on this topic i have …
microphone - Translating mic sensitivity dBV to dBSPL - Electrical ...
2019年7月15日 · So if my mic sensitivity -46 dBV equates to 94 dB SPL, does that mean that if I double the signal by 2 (+6dB), a -40 dBV measurement will equate to 100 dBSPL for that mic? …
dBFS and dBSPL unit - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2016年11月22日 · \$\begingroup\$ I need to calculate the noise for the graduation project and in all the equations we need sound pressure level (dBSPL), but at first I did not know the …
audio - dB A and dB Z (or dB SPL) Table - Electrical Engineering …
2015年6月12日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
pic - How to convert volts to dB SPL - Electrical Engineering Stack ...
2024年1月26日 · I am taking input from an electret microphone amplified using LM358 amplifier from my PIC16F877A's ADC unit. I am getting the readings in volts from the ADC which …
I2S data output - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2017年11月7日 · When reading the I2S specification, or the microphone datasheet, I can not seem to find the answer to the following simple questions; 1. What do the digital values …
sound - dBA conversion into dB or dB SPL - Electrical Engineering …
2020年2月4日 · I saw many websites that how to convert dBA sound to Db and dB SPL conversion. but I did not find any such relationship to convert dBA into dB or dBSPL. Is there …
Audio Signal dB levels Matlab - Electrical Engineering Stack …
In the case of dBSPL, it is the sound pressure relative to 20microPascals which is the threshold of human hearing. To get to dBSPL, first, you have to convert your digital dBFs to an analog …
To convert Volts in dB SPL confusion
If you have a measured voltage of Y dBV, then your original SPL must have been Y-G-M+94 dBSPL (Y-G-(-46)+94 dBV) (M is a negative number, take care of the sign when subtracting …
speakers - Understanding digital MEMS microphone sensitivity …
2017年8月24日 · Is the sensitivity the difference between maximum acoustic signal (maximum SPL) at the mic input (which causes full-scale digital word, 16 bits? ) and the 94 dB SPL …