Vityaz (ATV) - Wikipedia
The Vityaz DT-30 is a multi-purpose articulated tracked carrier developed in the Soviet Union. It was designed to carry heavy loads in difficult terrain like swamps, sand and snow [3] in extreme weather conditions.
DT-30由1台V-46-5多燃料柴油发动机提供动力。 该发动机是T-64坦克发动机的改进型。 发动机配有低温启动预热系统,可在-50℃低温条件下启动。 DT-30的履带宽度为1.1米。 DT-30P的地面压力很低,甚至低到无法诱爆反坦克地雷的程度。
DT-30“Vityaz” - 履带履带上的双链全地形车辆:描述,技术特点和 …
几乎没有什么条件,“英雄”DT-30无法克服。 该机的技术特点是与救援队合作,洪水疏散期间,山体滑坡, 雪漂 等自然灾害造成的极大 困难 。
DT-30 Vityaz Articulated Tracked Vehicle - Army Technology
2021年3月2日 · DT-30 Vityaz is an articulating tracked vehicle (ATV) manufactured by Ishimbai Transport Machine-Building Plant (Ishimbaitransmash). It is designed to transport heavy loads in extremely difficult off-road conditions such as swamps, sand and snow.
DT-30 - Army Recognition
The DT-30 is a Russian-made all-terrain tracked carrier vehicle developed and desigend by the Russian Company Vityaz Machine-building. The vehicle was especially designed to carry to heavy loads in harsh climatic conditions and to cross difficult terrain such as swamps, sand and snow.
DT-30 Vityaz Articulated Tracked Utility Vehicle - Military Factory
2021年11月30日 · The DT-30 (Vityaz) is a lightly-armored, tracked, multi-purpose battlefield vehicle originating from the Soviet Cold War era and continues to provide service with the Russian Army today. Design work on the vehicle began in 1971 which led to serial production models coming off the Ishimbai Transport Machine-Building Plant assembly lines by 1982.
2021年5月1日 · 于是乎在上世纪60年代,苏军专门投入力量研发全地形车,最终的成果就是今天我们要跟大家介绍的DT-30“骑士”装甲车。 如果我们观察DT-30的外形,就会发现它跟坦克有点“血缘关系”。
DT-30“骑士”使用铰接结构,最初型号只有单一的货斗,自重和载重均为30吨。 改进型DT-30P拥有两个货斗,也更常见。 “骑士”的前方有全封闭驾驶室,可容纳一名驾驶员和4名乘客。 发动机位于驾驶室后部,后面的铰接车可以根据需要换成不同的车体。
2022年3月5日 · DT30全地形运输车是俄罗斯一款用于军民两用的多用途运输车,该车主要用于在俄罗斯极端气候和复杂地形条件下使用的,DT-30在俄军中除了用于运输任务以外,该车还可以搭载各类武器单元,比如道尔M2极地板和铠甲SA极地板都是使用的这款平台。
DT-30 articulated tracked vehicle - War History
2016年1月7日 · Manufactured in Russia, the DT-30 Vityaz is an articulating tracked vehicle (ATV) designed to transport heavy loads in extremely difficult off-road conditions such as swamps, sand and snow. In addition to armed forces, the vehicle is also used for civilian applications.