DPD - Paketversand für Geschäfts- und Privatkunden » DPD
DPD ist Ihr Partner für den Paketversand - innerhalb Deutschlands und international. Dank unserer 9.000 Out-of-Home-Punkte, bestehend aus Paketshops und Paketstationen, sind wir immer in Ihrer Nähe.
DPD - Parcel shipping for business and private customers » DPD
Mar 12, 2019 · DPD is your partner when it comes to parcel shipping – within Germany and internationally. Thanks to our 9,000 Out-of-Home-Points, consisting of parcel shops and parcel stations, we are always just around the corner.
Receive parcels: flexible parcel delivery | Receiving » DPD
With the DPD App you can easily decide when and where your parcel is to be delivered. And thanks to live tracking, you can always see where your parcel is at any given time. This service is well received: 8 million customers give shipping with DPD 4 out of 5 stars.
DPD - Envio de encomendas para clientes empresariais e …
A DPD é o seu parceiro ideal no que diz respeito ao envio de encomendas - em Portugal e no estrangeiro. Graças aos nossos cerca de 2.000 pontos Pickup, estamos sempre ao virar da esquina. Envie uma encomenda agora ou solicite uma …
Receber encomendas: entrega de encomendas flexível| Receber
Receber encomendas com a DPD. Chega de esperar por encomendas, graças aos serviços de entrega flexíveis e preferências de entrega inovadoras!
Send parcels | Sending » DPD
Regardless of whether you are an occasional private consignor or a business shipper, with small or large parcels: DPD will provide you with the right solution for domestic and internation al shipping. Use our made-to-measure services and innovative supplementary options.
We are DPD - DPD
Welcome to DPD. DPD is part of Geopost, one of the world leading parcel delivery networks operating in more than 50 countries. Our 57,000 delivery experts deliver more than 8 million parcels worldwide each day through the brands DPD, Chronopost, SEUR, BRT, …
Tracking of parcels with Live-Tracking | Receiving » DPD
With DPD's shipment tracking you can check on the status of your parcels at any time. The tracking function will show you the probable delivery date.
Apoio ao cliente: Ajuda & Contacto - DPD
Na nossa seção de Ajuda, encontrará Suporte e Ferramentas relacionadas com envios da DPD e detalhes de contato para nossa equipa de serviço.
DPD - Csomagszállítás üzleti partnereknek és magánszemélyeknek …
A DPD Hungary Kft. Európa második legnagyobb nemzetközi csomaglogisztikai hálózatának része, amely hálózat naponta átlagosan 5,3 millió csomagot kézbesít világszerte.