Antec DF-85 Review - TechPowerUp
2011年2月24日 · The Darkfleet series from Antec features a very industrial design and comes jam packed with fans and features. There are models for every budget and the DF-85 is the largest of the bunch. we take a look at the many unique extras within the chassis and walk away impressed by both the price and performance.
Antec Dark Fleet DF-85 Reviews, Pros and Cons - TechSpot
2013年6月13日 · The DF-85 is the top banana of Antec's premier Dark Fleet range of gaming cases. It's gone for the full killer-cyborg-from-the-future look for this hefty tower chassis, opting for an aggressive...
Antec DF-85 Black Computer Case - Newegg.com
The DF-85 computer case from Antec with all the award-winning build quality is a great choice for high end users or game enthusiasts. It comes equipped with three front Fleet-Release variable-speed 120mm door fans with red LEDs, accompanied with washable filter to …
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エルミタージュ秋葉原 エルミタ的「一点突破」 PCケース編 Vol.1 Antec「DF-85 …
Antecの “DARK FLEETシリーズ” に属する最上位モデル 「DF-85」。 発売以来、内外問わずあちこちで採り上げられている注目のPCケースである事はご存じの通り、ハイエンドゲーマー向けの高エアフローモデルとして、市場での人気も高いと聞く。 そもそも筆者の認識は、Antec=静音PCケースというイメージが未だ変わらず、最近のラインナップにはどうも馴染めないでいる。 最近のラインナップとは一連の 「xxx HUNDREDシリーズ」 を指し、Antecは静音PCケー …
Antec Dark Fleet DF-85 The Advanced Gaming Tower - Water Cooled Edition
Time to cool a killer rig? Turn to Performance PCs. We've taken the awesome Antec DF-85 case and done the only thing possible to make it better, we've Water Cooled it.
Antec Dark Fleet DF-85 Case Review - bit-tech.net
2010年7月22日 · We put Antec's new high airflow case through its paces.
Antec Dark Fleet DF-85 Case Review - Hardware Secrets
While the first two are mid-tower units, DF-85 is a high-end full-tower case. The Dark Fleet DF-85 comes with a total of seven fans, all of them with speed controllers, and a place for you to...
価格.com - ANTEC DF-85 価格比較
2012年3月1日 · 6基のファンを搭載し、フロント上部の2.5インチベイやフリートリリースドアを採用したゲーマー向けATXタワー型PCケース。 ANTEC DF-85全国各地のお店の価格情報がリアルタイムにわかるのは価格.comならでは。 製品レビューやクチコミもあります。
Antec Dark Fleet DF-85 Case - PC Case Gear
A top-mounted hot-swappable SATA (SSD-compatible) drive bay plus Fleet-Swap SATA drive interfaces offer blazing fast throughput with superb convenience. With pioneering design and world-first conveniences, the Dark Fleet DF-85 is the case of choice for your next flagship.
Antec DF-85 Review - Value & Conclusion - TechPowerUp
2011年2月24日 · Seven included fans, yes seven - all individually adjustable, plenty of hot swap bays and easy assembly are just some of the cool things. If that is not enough, the internal and external 2.5 inch bays and quiet operation should make it clear that the DF-85 is a clear winner if you can befriend the exterior design.