Are CuCl and Cu2Cl2 equivalent? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Feb 1, 2017 · $\ce{Cu2Cl2}$ is actually the dimer of cuprous(I) chloride $\ce{CuCl}$. Cuprous chloride dimerises and also trimerises and tetramerises in gas phase. The molecular …
What is CuCl · CO · 2 H₂O? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Jan 28, 2017 · $\ce{CuCl.CO.2H2O}$ is the addidtion compound when CO is passed through the ammonical solution of cuprous chloride. $$\ce{CuCl + CO + 2H2O -> CuCl.CO.2H2O}$$ It is …
Gattermann-Koch reaction - Role of cuprous chloride
Sep 3, 2016 · I am unable to figure out what the role of $\ce{CuCl}$ in Gatterman-Koch reaction is. Does it provide $\ce{Cl-}$ ions by dissociating into $\ce{CuCl2}$ and $\ce{2Cl-}$, but that …
CuCl2 has colour but CuCl does not - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Feb 4, 2016 · This is rather large energy jump compared to the intraorbital jump an electron in $\ce{CuCl2}$ has to make. Therefore, $\ce{CuCl}$ does not readily absorb visible light as …
Chemical Reaction of aluminum foil in CuCl2 solution
Sep 30, 2018 · I agree with my colleagues to the extent that it is most probably copper metal. However, given that we are starting with an acidic copper chloride solution, and likely there is …
Where can I find (citable) FTIR spectra of CuCl and CuCl2?
May 25, 2017 · :( The NIST webbook has entries for both, but CuCl (or ClCu as they put) has no references in it at all. I checked the article you mention (thanks), but it has no data in the 4000 …
Cupric and cuprous copper - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Sep 15, 2019 · Copper has two chlorides: $\ce{CuCl2}$ and $\ce{CuCl}.$ Copper reacts directly with chlorine to form a copper(II) chloride.
KCl + CuCl2 in solution, is there a reaction?
May 24, 2018 · I'm wondering if the reaction of $\\ce{KCl + CuCl2}$ in solution (aq) will produce any products (have a net ionic equation/solid precipitate)? Using the metal activity series, I see …
CuCl2 dissolved in water - Chemistry Stack Exchange
Jun 1, 2015 · Jaroslav already gave you a good hint: Assume full dissociation, which leads to the following equation: $$\ce{CuCl2 <=> Cu^2+ + 2Cl^-}$$
acid base - How does one obtain a CuCl2 (solid or in solution with ...
Feb 11, 2022 · A byproduct of this reaction was insoluble CuCl, which I am able to reuse in future runs. However, the reaction is very slow. Is there a way I can accelerate the reaction? And …