Home Page - Crid LC
It has been decided to establish a Local Committee (LC) for around 250-300 households. Each LC would consist of the following members. (i) A Government official to be identified by the ADC-cum-District CRIO. (ii) Local Computer Operator registered with CRID for the local unit.
Mobile Login - Crid LC
CRID Instructions to Districts dated on 13th January 2021; User Manual; Chief secretary instructions; Chief secretary instructions dated on 18th April 2020; Nodal officers list for Blocks; Nodal officers list for Committee/Council; Nodal officers list for Corporations; Income Verification App Issues Resolution Guidelines
Dashboard - Crid LC
CRID Instructions to Districts dated on 13th January 2021; User Manual; Chief secretary instructions; Chief secretary instructions dated on 18th April 2020; Nodal officers list for Blocks; Nodal officers list for Committee/Council; Nodal officers list for Corporations; Income Verification App Issues Resolution Guidelines
Login to your Account - ppp-office.haryana.gov.in
Parivar Pehchan Patra Updation/Creation एक निशुल्क सेवा है. इसके लिए ऑपरेटर को नागरिको द्वारा किसी भी प्रकार की फीस देने की आवश्यकता नहीं है. Please Note : Citizens can now apply for correction in PPP themselves. Please visit Correction Module link under the "Family Details" tab for the same.
Beneficiary Portal
Web site created using create-react-app
cridlc.edisha.gov.in - Home Page - Crid LC - Crid LC Edisha
Home Page - Crid LC. Helpline: 0172-3968400 *8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (Monday to Saturday) Designed And Developed By National Informatics Centre,Haryana. Content Owned by Citizen Resource Information Department (CRID), Governmen...
It has been decided to establish a Local Committee (LC) for around 250-300 households. Each LC would consist of the following members. (i) A Government official to be identified by the ADC-cum-District CRIO. (ii) Local Computer Operator registered with CRID for the local unit. (iii) A college student, preferably from the same area.