My Creality CR 6 SE does not allow you to make color changes in …
2023年12月18日 · The basic procedure will move the print head away from the print, eject the filament, wait for new filament to be inserted and the user to confirm, load and prime the filament, and continue with the print. M600 may be initiated automatically if a filament runout sensor is installed. This command does not come installed on my Creality CR 6 SE ...
Feeding issues CR-6 SE - CR Series - Creality Community Forum
2024年3月9日 · Creality Community Forum ... CR-6 SE Aftermarket extruder Inland PLA+. 20240309_052738 1816×4032 785 ...
CR-6 SE Startet nicht mehr / Startbildschirm hängt - Creality CR …
2024年12月30日 · Hallo zusammen, ich bin neu hier und außer dem 3D Druck an sich kenne ich mich nur sehr wenig mit den Innereien aus. Ich habe zwei CR-6 SE Drucker und bis jetzt war alles super. Einer der beiden Startet nicht mehr. Auf dem Startbildschirm beginnt der Ladebalken gar nicht erst zu laufen. Das motherboard ist ein CR-ERA_V1.1.0.3. Ich habe auch alle Kabel mal …
Creality CR6 SE petg - Creality CR-6&30 Series - Creality …
2024年4月16日 · I am having a problem printing PETG with my Creality CR6 SE. I set the nozzle temperature to 230C and the bed to 80C and the print begins fine but after a few minutes the printer switches itself off. I use Cura as my slicer and set the temp settings in the slicer. Printing PLA at 195C and 60C works fine and I have checked that my voltage is set correctly. Please …
CR-6 SE Problems with X-axis printing start centering
2024年2月17日 · Buenos dias. Tengo una impresora Creality modelo CR-6 SE comprada hace 2 años y medio. Ha funcionado perfectamente con los problemas habituales de mantenimiento de boquillas, temperatura de extrusión cuando cambias el filamento, etc. En general nada que no pudiera solucionar probando. El firmware de la impresora no se ha tocado para nada ni …
Latest Creality CR-6&30 Series topics - Creality Community Forum
2023年12月6日 · Dedicated section for the Creality CR-6 SE, CR-6 Max, CR-30, and all topics related to these models.
How to Modify the Setting of G-code in Slicer - Creality Blog ...
2024年4月20日 · In the Creality Slicer, modifications are straightforward. Users must first add their printer and then proceed to ‘Settings > Printer > Manage Printers’, revealing the ‘Machine Settings’ tab. Within this headquarters, users can engineer the start and end G-Code sequences to suit their needs for 3D printing. 2. Prusa Slicer
Extruder clicking - Creality CR-6&30 Series - Creality Community …
2025年1月16日 · I’m using and Creality Cr-6SE. Out of the box, no other parts. Been printing for almost three years without problems untill recently. Nothing has changed, still the same room, same filaments, same humidity % in the room, same settings. I have bought a Sunlu dryer. My first runs caused some problems but I think the bowden tube wasn’t deep enough. So I …
Impresion de pausa CR6 SE - CR Series - Creality Community Forum
2024年7月14日 · Hola gente tengo una CR6 SE (la segunda) y a las 2 o 3 horas de impresión la maquina se pone en pausa. La cama se mantiene caliente, el extrusor se enfría. Formatee sd, cambie a otra sd y el problema sigue. La maquina en nueva, ya me la cambio la garantía por la misma falla. Alguien tiene idea si es una falla de este modelo? Gracias
Latest CR Series topics - Creality Community Forum
2025年1月23日 · General Discussions In this dedicated section, feel free to engage in discussions about the Creality CR Series 3D Printers. Creality CR-10 Series Dedicated section for the Creality CR-10 SE, CR-10 Smart pro, CR-10 Smart, CR-10S …