As one of the authoritative comprehensive certification organization, CQM is active in participating in all kinds of international cooperation projects in the areas of energy, environment ... more; China Compulsion Certification(CCC) China Organic product certification; IECEx Equipment Certification; IECEE CB Certification; FSSC22000
About as - CQM
CQM has more than 8,000 national-level experts, full-time and part-time national registered auditors in management and certification fields, with whom CQM can timely and sufficiently provide product certification and various system certifications, including QMS certification, EMS certification, OHSMS certification, QMS and GB/T 50430 ...
CQM successfully organized the FSSC22000 certification start-up training . On 2017 January 6th, CQM organized a training on FSSC 22000 certification at head office in Beijing. CQM Vice President Mr. Song Yuewei participated ..
Introduction. With the progress of economic and social, the deepening of the development economic globalization, the increasingly diversified food culture, food hygiene and security has become a hot topic of concern and need regulate the food safety and health management of food industry much more.
集团简介_方圆标志认证集团有限公司 - CQM
方圆标志认证集团(China Quality Mark Certification Group,英文缩写CQM)起步于1991年,由“中国方圆标志认证委员会”发展演变而来,与我国认证认可事业共同成长,是集认证、培训、科研、政策研究、标准制定、国际合作于一体,面向全球的集团化、专业性技术服务机构。
Voluntary product certification - CQM
China Quality Mark Certification Group Co., Ltd (Abbr. CQM) is the one of certification bodies of IECEx Certified Equipment Scheme in China. Since 2006, CQM has gradually developed the business of IECEx for explosion-proof electrical equipment.
Introduction. ISO 9001 , one of the series of quality management system standards, is by far the world's most established quality framework being used by more than 750,000 organizations in 161 countries / regions around the world.
Voluntary product certification - CQM
In 2004, with the No. 7 announcement issued by CNCA, CQM is to be assigned as the certification body for mandatory product. The undertaken CCC businesses are covered: 1.
International Cooperation - CQM
As one of the authoritative comprehensive certification organization, CQM is active in participating in all kinds of international cooperation projects in the areas of energy, environment, quality and safety, and becomes the core members of various international certification organizations, such as IQNET (International Certification Network ...