mysql 5 - What does COUNT(1) actually count? - Database …
I've seen DBAs, when counting the number of rows, run SELECT COUNT(1) FROM table;. What is the 1 in the query? I've tried putting in other numbers (2, 0, -1) and result is always the same as using 1.
sql - What does "select count(1) from table_name" on any …
2008年10月8日 · Also count(1) here 1 is not coloumn no, it is a expression. e.g) select 1 from table1; will print 1 no of times for no of rows that table has. – Kanagavelu Sugumar Commented Feb 13, 2013 at 12:13
SQL: Count () based on column value - Stack Overflow
2013年6月19日 · Yes. Count doesn't count NULL values, so you can do this: select COUNT('x') as Everything, COUNT(case when OutcomeID = 36 then 'x' else NULL end) as Sales, COUNT(case when OutcomeID <> 36 then 'x' else NULL end) as Other from YourTable Alternatively, you can use SUM, like bluefeet demonstrated.
sql - Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching …
2014年2月21日 · Transaction count after EXECUTE indicates a mismatching number of BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Previous count = 1, current count = 0. I have read the answers in other such questions and am unable to find where exactly the commit count is getting messed up.
SUM of grouped COUNT in SQL Query - Stack Overflow
2022年2月19日 · SELECT Name, COUNT(1) as Cnt FROM Table1 GROUP BY Name UNION ALL SELECT 'SUM' Name, COUNT(1) FROM Table1 That said, I would recomend that the total be added by your presentation layer, and not by the database. This is a bit more of a SQL SERVER Version using Summarizing Data Using ROLLUP. SQL Fiddle DEMO
Filtering pivot table columns, only count if - Stack Overflow
2012年8月31日 · To add a filter to just the Count Of column select the cell above and the cell containing the title and then choose the Filter option from the menus as shown... To only count data if it fulfills a certain condition, I think you would need to add another column called OK to the source data, with a formula like IF(Status="OK",1,0). Then add this ...
Count the frequency that a value occurs in a dataframe column
In 0.18.1 groupby together with count does not give the frequency of unique values: >>> df a 0 a 1 b 2 s 3 s 4 b 5 a 6 b >>> df.groupby('a').count() Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [a, b, s] However, the unique values and their frequencies are easily determined using size: >>> df.groupby('a').size() a a 2 b 3 s 2
How do I filter a pandas DataFrame based on value counts?
2015年4月24日 · Solutions with better performance should be GroupBy.transform with size for count per groups to Series with same size like original df, so possible filter by boolean indexing: df1 = df[df.groupby("A")['A'].transform('size') > 1]
How to count rows with SELECT COUNT (*) with SQLAlchemy?
SELECT count(*) AS count_1 FROM (SELECT table.col1 as col1, table.col2 as col2, ... from table) which is significantly slower in MySQL with InnoDB. I am looking for a solution that doesn't require the table to have a known primary key, as suggested in Get the number of rows in table using SQLAlchemy .
sql - Selecting COUNT (*) with DISTINCT - Stack Overflow
Count all the DISTINCT program names by program type and push number. SELECT program_type AS [Type], Count(DISTINCT program_name) AS [Count], FROM cm_production WHERE push_number = @push_number GROUP BY program_type DISTINCT COUNT(*) will return a row for each unique count.