The 2025 January CottonGen Newsletter available (1/25) Come to our presentations and workshop at Conferences in Jan. 2025! 46 more trait data from NCGC germplasm evaluations added (12/24)
Data - Cottongen
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BLAST - Cottongen
CottonGen RefTrans Gossypium species specific assemblies of filtered RNA-seq reads and unigenes performed by CottonGen, 2016-11-14 Gossypium Gene, CDS and Unigenes
Data Download - Cottongen
Oct 2, 2023 · From CottonGen: functional annotations, protein homologies, marker and transcript alignments; Click to view and download data of: Diploids. A genome last update 10/2/23; D1-D4 genomes last update 10/07/23; D5 genome last update 10/30/24; D6-D11 genomes last update 10/07/23; Other diploid genomes last update 10/2/23; Gossypioides and Kokia ...
Gene | Cottongen
21,698 Contigs from the CottonGen Gossypium Unigene v1.0; Search for genes by name or annotation: Search by Gene/InterPro/GO/KEGG. Enter the name of an mRNA or unigene contig to find more information such as homology, GO, KEGG and InterPro associations
About CottonGen
CottonGen is a cotton community genomics, genetics and breeding database being developed to enable basic, translational and applied research in cotton. It is being built using the open-source Tripal database infrastructure .
ICGI Home - Cottongen
Welcome to the home of the International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI). ICGI is now housed within the CottonGen database for easier management, integration and utility. Mission. To increase knowledge of the structure and function of the cotton genome for the benefit of the global community. To facilitate
Tripal MegaSearch - Cottongen
Tripal MegaSearch is a tool for downloading biological data. (Current limit per download: 1,000,000 records. 200,000 FASTA sequences.) Video tutorial: Gene/Transcript | QTL | Map | Marker | GWAS Select a data type to start building your own query and download data in bulk:
Gossypium hirsutum (AD1) 'PSC355' genome USDA_v1 - Cottongen
Marker alignments were performed by the CottonGen Team of Main Bioinformatics Lab at WSU. The alignment tool 'BLAT' was used to map marker sequences from CottonGen to the Gossypium hirsutum USDA v1.0 assembly. Markers required 90% identity over 97% of their length.
Search Sequences - Cottongen
Search for sequences by entering names in the field below. Alternatively, you may upload a file of names. You may also filter results by sequence type and the sequence source.