The 2025 January CottonGen Newsletter available (1/25) Come to our presentations and workshop at Conferences in Jan. 2025! 46 more trait data from NCGC germplasm evaluations added (12/24)
BLAST - Cottongen
CottonGen RefTrans Gossypium species specific assemblies of filtered RNA-seq reads and unigenes performed by CottonGen, 2016-11-14 Gossypium Gene, CDS and Unigenes
ICGI Home - Cottongen
Welcome to the home of the International Cotton Genome Initiative (ICGI). ICGI is now housed within the CottonGen database for easier management, integration and utility. Mission. To increase knowledge of the structure and function of the cotton genome for the benefit of the global community. To facilitate
CottonGen: The Community Database for Cotton Genomics ... - PubMed
2021年12月18日 · Initiated in 2012, CottonGen is an online community database providing access to integrated peer-reviewed cotton genomic, genetic, and breeding data, and analysis tools. Used by cotton researchers worldwide, and managed by experts with crop-specific knowledge, it continuous to be the logical choice to integrate new data and provide necessary ...
CottonGen: The Community Database for Cotton Genomics, …
2021年12月18日 · Initiated in 2012, CottonGen is an online community database providing access to integrated peer-reviewed cotton genomic, genetic, and breeding data, and analysis tools.
CottonGen: a genomics, genetics and breeding database for …
CottonGen (http://www.cottongen.org) is a curated and integrated web-based relational database providing access to publicly available genomic, genetic and breeding data for cotton. CottonGen supercedes CottonDB and the Cotton Marker Database, with enhanced tools for easier data sharing, mining, visu …
CottonGen - Database Commons - National Genomics Data Center
2016年10月31日 · CottonGen (http://www.cottongen.org) is a curated and integrated web-based relational database providing access to publicly available genomic, genetic and breeding data for cotton. CottonGen supercedes CottonDB and the Cotton Marker Database, with enhanced tools for easier data sharing, mining, visualization and data retrieval of cotton ...
2021年12月18日 · CottonGen 于 2012 年启动,是一个在线社区数据库,提供对综合同行评审的棉花基因组、遗传和育种数据以及分析工具的访问。 由全球棉花研究人员使用,并由具有作物特定知识的专家管理,它一直是整合新数据并为信息检索提供必要接口的合乎逻辑的选择。
CottonGen currently contains fully sequenced cotton genome data from twenty-six Gossypium species: twenty-one diploids and five tetraploids. Among them, four
Data - Cottongen
Search form. Search. Species . arboreum; australe; barbadense; darwinii; herbaceum