Why does cotangent inverse of 0 equal pi/2? - Physics Forums
2011年8月6日 · cot(pi/2) = 1/tan(pi/2) = 1/undefined =/= 0 I don't see how the two are equal, and you I think I may be getting some things mixed up as I haven't dealt with basic trig in several …
Why does the range of cot-1(x) differ from tan-1(x)? - Physics …
2012年4月13日 · Homework Statement i wanted to know ,why is the range of cot-1(x) (0,π), unlike tan-1(x) which has its range (-π/2,π/2). because for sin and cosec inverse range is same, for …
Difference between arctan(x) and cot(x) - Physics Forums
2009年7月20日 · If arctan(x) = tan(x)^-1 and since tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x) is not arctan(x) = cot(x). I know something's not right here but what is it? Thanks.
Cot and Arctan: Understanding the Difference - Physics Forums
2012年7月20日 · No, cot and arctan are completely different functions JeeebeZ. Why don't you post your working. It looks like you may be confusing inverse functions with reciprocals, which …
Solving cot x = 0: Step-by-Step Guide - Physics Forums
2007年12月17日 · Homework Statement cot x= 0 How do I figure this out? I can't remember how to do it. It makes sense the answer would be zero. But I got my test back and the answer was …
Help How can I find acute Angle theta? - Physics Forums
2011年8月12日 · If your calculator doesn't have a cot function, use the tan function followed by the 1/x function. [you best take the tan 63 to start with and write that answer down for …
Compton Scattering; Relation between scattering angles - Physics …
2016年3月12日 · Homework Statement Show that the scatter angles of the photon (θ) and electron (Φ) in the Compton effect are related by the relation: ##cot (θ/2 …
Finding the Value of cot(pi/8) in the form a + b*sqrt(2) - Physics …
2015年4月9日 · Homework Statement Show that sin(2θ) / (1 + cos(2θ) = tan(θ) - I've completed this part Hence find the value of cot(π/8) in the form a + b√(2), where a, b... Insights Blog -- …
Sum of Infinite Series: cot^-1(5/sqrt(3))+cot^-1(9 ... - Physics Forums
2014年1月16日 · Find the sum of the following series upto infinite terms...
On which quadrants are each of the six inverse trig functions …
2012年6月2日 · I have researched this area a little bit and now I am a little worried because three different websites have gave me three different answers. Some functions matched, but others …