corsair icue h150i elite 3x120 with LCD adapter for Socket 1851
Oct 16, 2024 · corsair icue h150i elite 3x120 with LCD adapter for Socket 1851. By aureumchaos October 16, 2024 in Build ...
H150i Elite Capellix maintained at high RPM - Corsair Community
Jan 22, 2025 · Hi, I have a PC built a few years back, and the cooler fan suddenly spun like crazy this morning after I woke up. They maintained at around 2200 rpm even idle. The CPU temp stayed at around 30C, but the coolant was about 50C. I cannot remember if this coolant temp is normal. No flashing lights on...
Corsair h150i, pump not recognize by Motherboard
May 15, 2018 · Hello everyone I gonna try to explain my problem like a can, cause english is not my first language.. So this morning i power on my computeur, and i see the pump of my AIO get red light and breathing.... in the bios, is see the pump wasn't recognize by my MB and i don't know why.... few days ago ...
Corsair H150i started leaking - Build Hardware Troubleshooting ...
Dec 28, 2020 · Yeah, I am in the process of contacting Corsair. I filled out a support ticket, but haven't heard back yet (been 24 hrs as of now). The model is iCUE H150i ELITE CAPELLIX Liquid CPU Cooler
H150i - Pumpe immer zwischen 960-990 RPM - Corsair Community
Jul 26, 2020 · ich habe meinen PC gestern fertiggestellt und es läuft alles soweit ok. Bis auf die Wasserkühlung (H150i Pro). Während ich die Lüfter regeln kann, steht die Pumpe fest zwischen 960 und 990 RPM (LEISE). Auch wenn ich die CPU belaste bleibt der PRM Wert konstant. Leider kann ich die Pumpe auch nicht über die ICUE Software ansteuern.
H150I ELITE CAPELLIX overheating message - Corsair Community
Jan 25, 2025 · So had a issue twice where the cooler wont read coolant temps, and it goes into fail-safe mode. Im not sure 100 percent if it is the unit as if i restart the pc it works again. Kinda sounds more of a software issue than the unit but the temp reading for the coolant stayed at 19.50 C. stayed the s...
Corsair Link H150I LCD display is vibrating up and down
Win 11 Pro v23H2, build 22631.4391. Dragon Age The Veilguard locked up my PC. Had to use reset to reboot. During reboot, the H150I LCD display initialized but started flickering up and down. Terminating ICue and restarting did nothing to stop the screen flickering. Shutting down the PC and restar...
Corsair H150i Lüfter eiert: RMA?
Jan 30, 2018 · Hallo Corsair Supporter & Forenmember, nun habe ich leider auch mal ein Montagsprodukt erwischt: Einer der drei beiliegenden ML120 Pro meiner neuen H150i Pro RGB eiert und klackert leise. Es ist NICHT nur der Aufkleber, sondern direkt der Impeller, wie man bei niedrigen Drehzahlen gut sehen k...
150i Elite Capellix Pump speed 2.2k RPM on quiet mode
Oct 25, 2020 · I upgraded from H150i pro to the 150i Elite Capellix 360mm today. I was disappointed that the pump would not go lower than 2.2k RPM. The H150I pro had 1100 rpm mode which was silent. with combination of 4 LL fans, 3 ML fans and 3 QL fans, it was dead silent. I am debating whether to go back H150i Pro which was silent at 1100 RPM pump speed.
iCUE H150i ELITE CAPELLIX Pumpenfehler - Corsair Community
Apr 26, 2021 · Hallo Leute, bin im Moment leider etwas am verzweifeln und hoffe hier Hilfe zu finden. Seit ca. einer Woche funktioniert meine H150i nicht mehr richtig und zeigt nur noch Pumpenfehler an und blinkt dazu rot. Die Lüfter laufen demnach auch durchgehen auf 100 %. Die Temperatur vom Prozessor ist abe...