Add new field in the output of COOISPI | SAP Community
Hi Experts, want to know the possibilty of adding a new field in the output report of tcode COOISPI regards, Bhagesh
order information variant | SAP Community
Hi Experts, After a variant is being created in COOISPI and saved, after re-entering the transaction the created and saved variant is not being displayed in the input list (F4).
process order profile status | SAP Community
i am preparing a report in which in selection screen we have selection profile status (same as cooispi) .Now the process orders has to be filtered on the baisi of this profile status. I have debug the tcode COOISPI but could not get the logic. have checked through tables JEST, TJ49.JSTO ect but could not get the right logic . please help . Regards
Deletion Flag - SAP Community
Mark Your Calendars with these Important Dates. SAP Community is moving in January 2024!
Basis of picking MRP area, as viewed in MD04 | SAP Community
Hi Experts, I am creating PM order with components. Now I get reservation number. The reservation is also reflected in MD04 list with some MRP area filled.
down load to excel in ECC6 - SAP Community
Hi Gurus, When I down load COOIS Report to excel some column in the lay out is misplaced in the excel For example first column in the COOIS report will become last column in the excel down loaded rep