KCP - A Fast and Reliable ARQ Protocol - GitHub
KCP是一个快速可靠协议,能以比 TCP 浪费 10%-20% 的带宽的代价,换取平均延迟降低 30%-40%,且最大延迟降低三倍的传输效果。 纯算法实现,并不负责底层协议(如UDP)的收发,需要使用者自己定义下层数据包的发送方式,以 callback的方式提供给 KCP。 连时钟都需要外部传递进来,内部不会有任何一次系统调用。 整个协议只有 ikcp.h, ikcp.c两个源文件,可以方便的集成到用户自己的协议栈中。 也许你实现了一个P2P,或者某个基于 UDP的协议,而缺乏一套完善 …
Careers - CPKC r
CPKC is the only truly North American railway to connect Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. Become part of history in the making and help move the North American economy. Uniting two iconic railways opens doors to opportunities throughout North America. Choose your destination. Join the CPKC team and together, we‘ll make history.
About CPKC
Today, we are CPKC and have created the first and only transnational rail network in North America. Drawing on our strong foundations and heritage, CPKC moves essential goods across our 20,000-mile network to support economic growth throughout Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.
CKCP氛围灯2025官方下载-CKCP氛围灯 app 最新版本免费使用-应 …
ckcp氛围灯是一款移动应用程序,通常在手机上使用。 如果您想在电脑上使用 CKCP氛围灯 ,可以尝试使用应用宝电脑版, 它能在电脑上运行Android13系统,并允许您下载和使用 CKCP氛围灯 应用程序,通过以下步骤即可在应用宝电脑版下载并使用 CKCP氛围灯
Home | CrownKote LLC
We feature Ceramic Pro, XPEL, SunTek and Pentagon for window tinting. Ceramic Pro is a ceramic glass coating that permanently bonds to your vehicles surfaces and protects against UV damage, minor scratching and scuffing and environmental and chemical damage. Not to mention your car will stay cleaner longer and shine like nothing you've seen before.
App Store 上的“CKCP氛围灯”
ckcp环境光是专为手机用户推出的app,满足用户对led蓝牙设备的灵活智能控制和多功能切换需求。 产品特点: 1、随心选择喜爱灯光颜色,一千六百万种灯光颜色提供用户选择
CKCP氛围灯v1.0.0最新版本下载-CKCP氛围灯手机最新版软件安全 …
Nov 27, 2024 · ckcp氛围灯鸿蒙版手机最新版软件,是专为鸿蒙系统用户打造的智能车载氛围灯控制应用。它集成了ckcp环境光的所有核心功能,并针对鸿蒙系统进行了深度优化,提供更加流畅、智能的操作体验。通过...
CKCP - Definition by AcronymFinder
What does CKCP stand for? CKCP abbreviation. Define CKCP at AcronymFinder.com.
ckcp: 对ikcp进行c++封装,把update线程等常用功能 ... - Gitee
ckcp 介绍 对ikcp进行c++封装,把update线程等常用功能进行封装,并增加了日志级别分类 参考资源: kcp官方地址 https://github.com/skywind3000/kcp Leo、 / KCP源码学习记录 https://gitee.com/xin_chong/kcp/tree/master 软件架构 软件架构说明 安装教程 xxxx xxxx xxxx 使用说明 xxxx xxxx xxxx
CKCP | Charlton Kings
CKCP Record Guide . This three-part set of the Players’ Performance Record not only provides detail of some thirty years of ‘doing’ in the community, but also scans of the programmes and a selection of photographs. Charlton-Kings-Community …