3" chlorine tabs without CYA - Trouble Free Pool
2009年5月4日 · This is trichlor, which is a chemical made from chlorine and cyanuric acid (a chlorinated isocyanurate). The problem with this slow dissolving form of chlorine is that it will cause CYA levels to rise since once the chlorine is used up the CYA remains.
Tablets not dissolving in chlorinator? | Trouble Free Pool
2023年4月22日 · Since I took over pool care last August (had a pool company for 3 months when we first bought our home), I completely stopped using chlorine pucks due to high CYA (70 at the time) and switched to liquid chlorine. Now my CYA needs to be raised (currently 30), and the previous owner left me A HUGE container of pucks.
Bleach and Chlorine tablets used together?? - Trouble Free Pool
2009年5月15日 · Yes, in certain situations you can regularly use both. The pool owner though has to understand what the tablets might do to your water balance - tablets add CYA and overtime, especially if you also use a powdered shock called Dichlor- your CYA can get too high, leading to many problems. Tablets are also acidic and overtime can lower your PH.
Where are the cheapest chlorine tablets? | Trouble Free Pool
2010年7月4日 · During the past few years, chlorine tablets were hard to find and the prices had increased about 200%. Does anyone know of the cheapest place to buy chlorine tables? Thanks.
Bleach vs. Chlorine Tablets - Trouble Free Pool
2015年5月17日 · That's why a lot of the all in one type of approaches (pucks) are hard to deal with because they're doing more than just adding chlorine to your pool. Bleach on the other hand will only add chlorine and a touch of salt which is good anyway. No mysteries when all the components of your chemical balancing are ala cart.
Switching from Salt system back to chlorine tablets...HELP
2011年6月19日 · Re: Switching from Salt system back to chlorine tablets...HE I am curious as to why 4 SWG systems failed. If the CYA level was too low, the unit would never keep up the needed levels of chlorine. If the ph were too high, due to TA high maybe, then the water would be harsh and possibly damage equipment or the cell I am guessing.
Is it okay to put chlorine tablet in skimmer basket?
2023年7月16日 · The free chlorine was way low (less than 1) but the total chlorine showed okay (around 3 ppm). I have another test kit that you put drops in that measures both ph and chlorine (doesn't say if free or total) and when I used this, it confirmed that the chlorine it measures is "free chlorine" because it matched my test strip for free chlorine ...
Automatic Chlorinator - How many tablets? | Trouble Free Pool
2018年5月10日 · If the unit is set on a 5, will it dispense the same level of chlorine regardless of it being filled with 3 tablets or 10? I know there are some big variables here, but any recommendations on the level to keep the chlorinator at to keep a 20,000g pool around 3ppm with the pump running about 10 hours a day?
NST Tablets - Trouble Free Pool
2022年4月27日 · Poolife NST is a non stabilized chlorine tablet that does not contain cyanuric acid. These long lasting tablets are designed to work in your skimmer basket and will continuously sanitize your pool for up to one week. This tablet is compatible with chlorine, salt generators, ozone and mineral...
Bleach, Chlorine Tablets, and Pristine Blue (Oh My!) - Trouble Free …
2019年5月1日 · The more CYA you have the more chlorine you need to keep in the pool to keep algae at bay. While talking about chlorine understand, chlorine is chlorine is chlorine. The chlorine in bleach is the same chlorine in the 3" tabs and is the same chlorine that is produced by a salt water chlorine generator (SWCG).