Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools Homepage
CEDET is a Collection of Emacs Development Environment Tools written with the end goal of creating an advanced development environment in Emacs. CEDET is hosted at Source Forge …
CEDET: Setup
Setting up a tool as large and complex as CEDET can seem daunting. Fortunately, a minimal CEDET initialization can take up only a couple lines of code in your .emacs file.
CEDET: Projects
The CEDET Project management system provides a few simple keystrokes for organizing your files, building Makefiles or Automake files, and compiling your sources. If you don't want …
CEDET: Adding support for a new language
Adding support for a language under CEDET can be challenging as the language will need to be "made to fit" a generic tagging infrastructure so that applications built on top of CEDET can …
CEDET: Smart Completion
The CEDET infrastructure for parsing and tagging files, and analyzing source code is one of the most accurate completion tools for C++ anywhere. It will correctly handle inheritance scoping …
CEDET: Code Generation
CEDET's code generate is based on a module called SRecode, which is the "Semantic Recoder". As the name suggests, this tool can take information generated from the Semantic …
CEDET: UML Diagrams
CEDET lets you create UML diagrams either by hand, or automatically generate simple 3-tier class diagrams from your sources. The diagrams are linked to your source-code, so you can …
COGRE Homepage
All the CEDET tools are available from a single distribution file to ease installation. Latest Stable Release: CEDET 1.1. Try out cedet-1.1.tar.gz. CEDET 1.1 includes all the security fixes from …
EIEIO Homepage - cedet.sourceforge.net
CEDET 1.1 includes all the security fixes from 1.0.1, a long list of bug fixes, and additional new features to support Java, Android and Arduino programming! Our goal for CEDET 1.1 is that …
Getting the development version from Git - cedet.sourceforge.net
CEDET uses Buildbot to automatically check the latest revision for compile errors. CEDET also ships with a bunch of unit and integration tests, which are also run by the Buildbot, on different …