Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
2023年8月17日 · Tell me a gay man was directing or writing this because the hookup scenes with domination felt the most real and true of any gay show, especially content directed by women. That was sexy, brought me back to some fun hookups (minus the toe sucking), and the drama felt real. Episode 1 was great. Very happy to add this to my weekly viewing.
Why Are All of These Young Men So Muscular Today? - the Data …
2020年8月11日 · Once you become buff, you become addicted to how your body looks and feels. I love how my physique looks in clothes and how people compliment me about my physique. I love how hot people pay attention to me. I love the attention from both men and women, sometimes at the very same time.
James Taylor - the Data Lounge
2020年2月17日 · He just seemed to me like the stereotypical awful hetero male Boomer, who parlayed marginal talent into fucking a bunch of women, making a bunch of money, doing a shitload of drugs, generally treating people like shit and doing it …
Sneakily conservative filmmakers? - the Data Lounge
2022年5月4日 · I remember him saying in some interview many years ago that he was a conservative (Republican). Granted, what that meant 20-25 years ago is probably very different from today but I recall being quite disappointed when I read that interview. Same thing with Jon Malkovich, another guy whose political leanings surprised me and not in a good way.
Who was responsible for Brad Renfro's death? - the Data Lounge
2022年8月16日 · Yes it was racist origins but not because it's a racial slur to white people. More a condescending term that implies these white folks are lowly as the blacks. Cracker is a term that rich white planters called lower class white farmers who boasted a lot, "to crack." A lot of white Floridians call themselves crackers till this day.
Nicole Brown Simpson was a Nasty piece of Shit - the Data Lounge
2022年7月12日 · From Raging Heart: The Intimate Story of the Tragic Marriage of O.J. and Nicole Brown Simpson - 1995 "After a while O.J. began to open up to me," Kato Kaelin recounted, "and we'd have long talks about lots of things, including, most often, his relationship with Nicole."