Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) under PEC Act and CPD Byelaws-2008, is earnestly working for the professional growth and skill enhancement of ever growing engineering community. …
Login - cpd.pec.org.pk
Only Engineers Registered With PEC Can Login. Please use same CNIC & Password as in Engineers Registration Portal (portal.pec.org.pk)
Engineer's CPD Profile - cpd.pec.org.pk
The CPD programs include additional qualifications, professional skills, relevant management and communication skills acquired through additional training and experience. These aspects are …
CPD Short Courses and Training - cpd.pec.org.pk
CPD Short Courses and Training In order to provide quality training and skills to the engineers (both RE & PE), PEC regularly organizes short courses and trainings on emerging topics as …
CPD Brief - cpd.pec.org.pk
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) under PEC Act and CPD-Byelaws, is earnestly working for the professional growth and skill enhancement of ever growing engineering community. Under …
Introduction to CPD - cpd.pec.org.pk
PEC Regional Offices facilitates PEBs in organizing CPD activities. PEC also conducts CPD courses itself thought the country in coordination with Regional and Branch Offices with …
Online Courses - cpd.pec.org.pk
Calculator of CPD Points Online Courses To provide opportunity to the engineers to attend from anywhere in the world using their Video- link, computer/laptop fitted video camera on the …
Professional Engineering Body (PEB) - cpd.pec.org.pk
Professional institutions and associations, CPD academies, engineering universities or colleges and private institutions, registered by the Council may impart CPD activities. All these …
Introduction to EPE - cpd.pec.org.pk
For assessment of competence, knowledge and skills of a Registered Engineer (RE) for elevation towards Professional Engineer (PE), Engineering Practice Examination (EPE) is a constituted …
Calculator of CPD points - cpd.pec.org.pk
Home Introduction to CPD CPD Bye-Laws 2008 (amended upto October 31, 2017) Engineering Professional Development Committee (EPDC) Introduction Organogram; CPD Guideline …