Children's Ministry | Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church - ckpc.org
Navigating Sunday Mornings at CKPC:When you first enter CKPC we have a “Kids Check In” station where parents check in their children safely and meet their Sunday school teachers. Families begin in the worship service together and will …
Conference Opening | Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church - ckpc.org
More From The Word and The World Conference. Conference Plenary. Jun 8, 2024 • Dr. Kamesh Sankaran
Tyler Kirkpatrick | Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church - ckpc.org
Prior to coming to CKPC in 2015, Tyler worked with college students and young adults at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, and has been involved with youth ministries at several churches, including serving as the Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries at Country Homes Christian Church in Spokane.
Ty Whitman | Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church - ckpc.org
He is very excited to be a part of the CKPC family, and to be able to foster a community with the youth towards growth and love for Jesus and each other. Reading has become one of Ty’s greatest passions, yet it was not always so growing up.
Practice Resurrection | Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church - ckpc.org
Onward Christian Soldiers: Faith, Salvation, Spirit. May 21, 2023 • Ty Whitman. Onward Christian Soldiers: Truth, Justice, Peace
Most Recent Sermon Series | Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church
Advent: The Once and Future Coming of Jesus Christ. John the Evangelist's Advent Sermon. Dec 24, 2020 • Tyler Kirkpatrick • John 1:1-14
Session 4: As Far as The East is From the West
We'll look at some of the great thinkers of the East: the Cappadocians, and one of the great thinkers of the West: Saint Augustine, as we see how both labored faithfully, even as the church was splitting right down the middle.
The Fourth Day | Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church - ckpc.org
I am on my deck in early darkness when it happens:The clouds, as if painted with liberal oil brushstrokesby some Impressionist artistturn apocalyptic pink;a revealing of the world splashed withcolors forgotten by night now irradiated by perfect golden hue,the flowers and trees yawn and begintheir daylong photosynthetic stretch toward this giver of life: the Sun.I am walking back to …
The Fifth Day | Central Kitsap Presbyterian Church - ckpc.org
Consider the birds of the airUnburdened in freefalling flightIt is almost as if God forgotto tell the fifth day creatures of gravityBroadtailed hummingbirds dart,dash, dance, zip, flit, fling, streakswim through air from fuschia to fuschia;painted buntings plunge, a blur of color diving before switching direction to resurface on the limb of a tree;falcons float effortlessly on the wind's ...
Session 3: The Rise of the Empire | Central Kitsap Presbyterian …
The church shifts, almost overnight, from being a persecuted minority to a persecuting majority. And, like every moment in history, it is not all bad or all good.