What are the differences between the CH-46 and the CH-47?
2016年10月3日 · The CH-46 was an adaptation of the same idea, but made smaller and marinized: it had to meet a host of Marine Corps and Navy requirements to fit on amphibious ships and supply ships. Space and fit are non-trivial limitations when writing requirements for …
Newest 'ch-46' Questions - Aviation Stack Exchange
2016年10月3日 · The CH-46 and the CH-47 Chinook are very similar-looking aircraft and seem to serve similar purposes - only though for different branches of the U.S. military. What are the differences between the CH-...
Newest 'auto-rotation' Questions - Aviation Stack Exchange
2024年11月18日 · Tandem-rotor helicopters, such as the Boeing CH-46 Sea Knight and CH-47 Chinook, are helicopters with ...
Is autorotation possible in a tandem rotored helicopter?
2019年3月11日 · I used to watch the CH-46 doing practice autorotations at an outlying fiend when I was in Norfolk in the 1980's. Given that the CH-46 (and its larger cousin the CH-47) are designed and built for the harsh military operational environment, where one could expect all manner of things to go wrong due to enemy fire, the inability to autorotate ...
Is it possible to fly a tandem-rotor helicopter after a single rotor ...
2016年10月2日 · Tandem-rotor helicopters, such as the Boeing CH-46 Sea Knight and CH-47 Chinook, are helicopters with rotors distant by more than 10 m. Photo by Cpl. Ryan Carpenter on SNAFU It seems unlikely a single rotor could sustain the force moment created by the failure of …
rotorcraft - Does a dual-rotor helicoptor like the Chinook …
2020年4月8日 · First -collective variation = intensity-cyclic variation = direction. The CH-47 Chinook is a heavy maneuver and assault helicopter manufactured by Boeing.
What makes the MV-22 has lift thrust and its disk loading is so high?
2022年12月6日 · Image source:. The above is comparison table of several rotating wing aircraft's disk loading, especially I highlighted the disk loading of MV-22 Osprey tiltrotor versus CH-47 Chinook helicopter.
aircraft design - Do you need to put your wings at the center of ...
2017年1月13日 · Boeing-Vertol CH-46 helicopter (picture source) At subsonic speed it is advantageous to stretch the wings out sideways, so at least their tips are again quite a bit away from the center of gravity. Nimeta single-seat glider (picture source)
What are the differences between the MiG 31 and MiG 25 (if any)?
2016年10月4日 · Answering it from another point of view, the MiG-31 had to be the better MiG-25 mixed with the advantages of the Tu-128 As the Successor of the Tu-128 (the Tu-148,T-58M / T-6 and the Yak-33) did not work out, the MiG OKB was the only one left to build a new far range Interceptor With the possibility of using a new engine, the D30F, bigger ranges, slower landing …
Why does an aircraft as big as the Airbus A400M use turboprops?
2015年5月21日 · $\begingroup$ Cool! The main differences are the T-tail (the military did not want to build new hangars, so the vertical of the A400 had to be shorter than practical) and the outer engine location of the Antonov (the Russians wanted to drop paratroopers from the front doors, and they should not jump into the propellers).