eCFR :: Title 7 of the CFR -- Agriculture
Displaying title 7, up to date as of 3/04/2025. Title 7 was last amended 3/04/2025. There have been changes in the last two weeks to Title 7. Choosing an item from citations and headings will bring you directly to the content. Choosing an item from full …
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Title 7 - Agriculture - Code of Federal Regulations
Title 7 of the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.
eCFR :: 7 CFR Subtitle A -- Office of the Secretary of Agriculture
Displaying title 7, up to date as of 3/03/2025. Title 7 was last amended 2/12/2025. Choosing an item from citations and headings will bring you directly to the content. Choosing an item from full text search results will bring you to those results. Pressing enter in the search box will also bring you to search results.
Title 7 of the Code of Federal Regulations - Wikipedia
CFR Title 7 – Agriculture is one of 50 titles comprising the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and contains the principal set of rules and regulations issued by federal agencies regarding agriculture. It is available in digital and printed form and can be referenced online using the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR).
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR): Title 7—Agriculture
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Code of Federal Regulations | GovInfo
2024年12月3日 · What is the Code of Federal Regulations? The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) annual edition is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government.
LoS: 7 CFR | National Archives
2024年10月29日 · List of Subjects revised as of October 1, 2024. 7 CFR Part 1_Administrative regulations. 7 CFR Part 1a_Law enforcement authorities. 7 CFR Part 1b_National Environmental Policy Act. 7 CFR Part 1c_Protection of human subjects. 7 CFR Part 2_Delegations of authority by the Secretary of Agriculture and general officers of the Department.
2010年9月30日 · 具体实施法规及国家谷物检查体系见(cfr7),其中包括大麦、燕麦、小麦、黑麦、亚麻籽、高梁、大豆、黑小麦等谷物的指令性国家分级标准。 此外,GIPSA为执法者出版了许多手册和指导性材料,如谷物检测手册(上、下两册)[4]。