Home - California Federation of Republican Women
We are One! [email protected]; 428 J Street Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814
Member Login - California Federation of Republican Women
CFRW Past Presidents; Join. Find a Club & State Map. Region One; Region Two; Region Three; Region Four; Region Five; Region Six; Region Seven; Region Eight; Region Nine; Events. Event Highlights. 2024 CFRW Fall Conference & Board Meeting; 2024 CFRW Summer Conference & Board Meeting; 2024 CFRW Winter Conference & Board Meeting; 2023 Biennial ...
How to Join - California Federation of Republican Women
As a CFRW member you join a network of nationwide like-minded women from across the country who… And who enjoy lifelong friendships across the country with Federated Republican Women! Contact your nearest club to learn more! Develop new skills, and …
CFRW 2025 Home
CFRW 2024 Home page provides information about the upcoming events and activities for the California Federation of Republican Women.
California Federation of Republican Women - YouTube
This is the YouTube Channel for the California Federation of Republican Women.
State Division – California Federation of Republican Women - CFRW
California Federation of Republican Women Advocacy Office 428 J Street Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814
Find a Club - California Federation of Republican Women
We invite all Republican woman to find the club in their region that best fits their needs and join the organization in their quest for smaller, less intrusive government, less taxes, and more responsive leadership. The CFRW works closely with the California Republican Party (CRP) ensuring this message resonates with its membership and the voter.
California Federation of Republican Women - YouTube
CFRW welcomes all registered Republican women in the state of California. Visit our website for information on joining and finding a local club near you. https://cafrw.org/
California Federation Hosts Fall Conference - nfrw.org
Sep 28, 2024 · The California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) hosted its Fall Board Meeting and Conference September 6-7 in Bakersfield. "Engaging in Politics - Part III" marked the third and last CFRW conference in 2024. The conference was held early this year because of the November presidential election.
California Federation of Republican Women Hosts 43rd Biennial …
Oct 21, 2023 · The California Federation of Republican Women held its 43rd Biennial Convention on October 13-14 in Sacramento. CAPTIONS: Top Photo: Congressman Kevin Kiley installs 2024-2025 Statewide...
History of the Federation - California Federation of Republican Women
The California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) was organized in January 1925. Women in California had the right to vote since 1911, which not only allowed women to take part in the democratic process, but also led to women being elected to office.
Dec 4, 2020 · CFRW offers its deliverables with a fresh new, professional look. CFRW continues to put out as many deliverables as possible to our clubs: ⚫ Training Sessions ⚫ Legislative Information
California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW)
The California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) provides an avenue of political involvement for women who share the Republican philosophy. We possess a unique mixture of older and younger members who together, provide a …
CFRW Central Division - Facebook
The largest women's grassroots partisan political organization in the country!
Member Dashboard - California Federation of Republican Women
CFRW Bylaws Financial Gold Sheet Join Membership Program Member Forms & Guides Online Club President Roster President's Packet Submit. Skip to content. [email protected]; 428 J Street Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814; Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Youtube. About. President’s Message;
California Federation of Republican Women - CAWP
The California Federation of Republican Women, a chapter of the National Federation of Republican Women, promotes an informed public through education and activity, works to increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government, promotes knowledge of the principles and policies of the Republican Party, encourages active ...
Leadership - California Federation of Republican Women
Corresponding Secretary: Vacant.
Club Name - California Federation of Republican Women
Visalia’s population is 146,073 as of 2025. We are a growing rural community with conservative values in the heart of the Central Valley. Our club has received numerous membership growth CFRW awards, with a 94% growth in 2023. We meet at the Visalia Country Club at 11:30am.
For 100 years, we have been committed to electing Republicans and working alongside the California GOP. We look forward to regaining control of our state in the near future. Celebrate this milestone with pride. We have been continuing the work started by …
FAQs - California Federation of Republican Women
The California Federation of Republican Women has had the same goals and objectives for 98 years, regardless of who held the position of the President. The duly elected CFRW Executive Committee removed an officer because she was causing harm at the executive level of CFRW.