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What does cd56 positive mean - HealthTap
I had a pbs immunocytochemistry test and dont understand the lab result (t/nk:cd4 cd56 cd2 cd7 b cells:cd19 myeloid cells:cd64 cd33 cd14 cd65 cd13 cd15 activation antigens:cd34 hla-dr cd133 cd117 other:cd45 cd11b) can someone tell me what these mean?
what does cd56 positive mean? - HealthTap
Jan 29, 2020 · CD56 present: In a histopathology report or flow cytometry on peripheral blood? CD56 is normally expressed on NK cells and activated blood Tcells.Certain neurons also express it. Myeloid leukemia, neuroendocrine tumors, Wilms' tumor, neuroblastoma, NK/T cell lymphomas, lung cancers, and the Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors can be CD56+ too.
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