E-mail. CC me or copy me? - AnandTech Forums
Jul 20, 2011 · A little annoyance. You carbon COPY somebody, you don't "CC" them. I cringe whenever I hear somebody say "I CC'd you". Can you copy me on that email you're going to send? Thanks for copying me on that e-mail. NOT thanks for CCing me. Poll inbound.
copy/cc someone in/on on an email | WordReference Forums
Feb 27, 2015 · Originally, "cc" written on a paper letter meant that someone else had been sent a carbon copy of the letter.. Carbon paper is not used to make copies any more, but the old abbreviation lives on, and people will write "cc" even if the copy is a photocopy, or an additional electronic transmiss
Is "CC" as a verb too informal in a business email?
Apr 26, 2016 · Is "CC" as a verb too informal in a business email? For example, 1. Mr. A sent the application form in an email CCing Mr. B. 2. Mr. A sent the application form in an email with Mr. B in the CC. Which is better? Or, please tell me if there are better ways to say it.
add me to cc - WordReference Forums
Feb 2, 2016 · It doesn't seem incorrect, but I would use cc as a verb, e.g. Please cc me regarding the matter. Used as a noun, cc means the cc list and if there are many people on this list, then it would be ok to use add me to the cc list. Regarding the dubious expression from next time, see from next time/next time.
he is CC'd - WordReference Forums
Sep 12, 2007 · La frase es: And return the email to Pepito Perez - IT Manager in Acme (he is CC'd). El párrafo habla sobre llenar un formato y devolvérselo a Pepito Perez quien es Gerente TI en Acme pero lo que esta en paréntesis no lo entiendo, CC'd me parece que se refiere a un cargo pero no estoy segura de cuál es la traducción al español.
Keep me in email - WordReference Forums
Jul 1, 2009 · hi Now a days my boss forgets to keep me in cc when he sends an email to my collegue. So I wanted to send an email to him by saying You always keep me in cc. Here what I have written so far. Hey Steve, Today I have no work to do so please assign me the new task. And I have an humble...
CC or CC'ed - WordReference Forums
Feb 6, 2012 · "CC" (in ancient days "carbon copy" and now "courtesy copy") looks fine at the top of a memo or e-mail, but in the body of a communication, I'd say: I'm very sorry for forgetting to copy you on my note to Liz.
put someone on copy [carbon copy - Cc:][e-mail]
Jul 17, 2014 · Hello. I have read all previous threads I found on WRF dealing with this topic and I have reached the following conclusions (using examples made up by me): Put me on copy, please. Copy me on e-mail, please. "What mail do you have in mind?" "The one you are on copy." "What mail do you have in mind?" "The one you are copied on." Do I have it right?
(CC) copy me on your email to him - WordReference Forums
May 30, 2007 · Comment diriez-vous « could you copy me on your email to him » en français? (Pourriez-vous m'envoyer en CC le courriel/mail que vous allez lui envoyer?) Au Canada on emploie très souvent l'expression « me copier sur » qui, à ma connaissance, est un calque horrible de l'anglais. Si possible, je préférerais éviter des anglicismes.
mettere in conoscenza in email | WordReference Forums
May 2, 2012 · Secondo me sì . CC sta per carbon copy per cui sarebbe solo la traduzione letterale e per esteso . Io personalmente uso copy me in/I'll copy you in/remember to copy him/her in. Mai usato (ne sentito per la verità) copy in on