California Board of Registered Nursing
The Board of Registered Nursing protects the health, safety, and well-being of the public through the fair and consistent application of the statutes and regulations governing nursing practice and education in California.
License Verification - California Board of Registered Nursing
The California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) has an intradepartmental contract with the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) to provide license verification on the DCA License Search website and the actual operation thereof.
License/Certificate Renewal - California Board of Registered Nursing
All RNs in the State of California who wish to maintain an active license are required to complete 30 contact hours of continuing education for license renewal. The continuing education course(s) must be taken through a continuing education provider recognized by the Board.
Online Services - California Board of Registered Nursing
Verification of California Licensure; Renewal Fees; CURES; Are Your Prescription Forms Compliant? Practice Information; Licensee FAQs
Verification of California Licensure - California Board of Registered ...
All verifications completed by the California Board of Registered Nursing include both the RN license and any Advanced Practice certifications held in California; a separate request and/or fee is not required.
Contact Information - California Board of Registered Nursing
The BRN website may have the information you need! Please check out our Application Status and Details page or FAQs before contacting the Board to avoid unnecessary wait times. Main …
Application Status and Details - California Board of Registered …
The Board of Registered Nursing has a new way to monitor and verify your application status. This will allow you to track your application and provides important details regarding the movement of your application.
What is the BRN? - California Board of Registered Nursing
The Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) is a state governmental agency established by law to protect the public by regulating the practice of registered nurses. The BRN is responsible for implementation and enforcement of the Nursing Practice Act: the laws related to nursing education, licensure, practice, and discipline.
Licensure by Endorsement - California Board of Registered Nursing
To qualify for endorsement (reciprocity) into California as an RN, you must hold a current and active RN license in another state, U.S. territory, or Canada, have completed an educational program meeting all California requirements, and have passed the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN®) or the State Board Test Pool Examination ...
Fingerprint Requirement for License Renewal - California Board of ...
The requirement to be fingerprinted for license renewal took effect in 2009. Unfortunately, the BRN’s electronic licensing system at that time was not designed to check for or hold renewals in the absence of fingerprint results. The BRN is now using the BreEZe system for electronic license renewals since 2013.