12-Barbur/ Sandy Blvd - TriMet
12-Barbur/Sandy Blvd connects Tigard, SW Portland, Burlingame, Portland City Center, NE Portland, and Parkrose, via Pacific Highway/Highway 99W, Barbur, 5th/6th, Burnside, and Sandy. This bus line runs every 15 minutes or less most of the day, every day.
Route 12 | Bus Schedule | MTS - San Diego Metropolitan Transit System
$12.00 Day Pass Earned. Contact Us. Customer Service (619) 557-4555 TTY: (619) 234-5005. Trip Planning (619) 233-3004. Customer Feedback Form. View all Contact Numbers. PRONTO Support (619) 595-5636. Transit Store ... Transit Services …
城巴(包括新巴路線) - 12 中環渡輪碼頭 » 羅便臣道 - 巴士路線搜尋器 - USHB
乘客於本線上車後 90 分鐘內轉乘以下路線,兩程車費總和為 $6.9。 此等路線乘客可於上車後 90 分鐘內免費轉乘本線: 路線資料更新中,未必百分百準確,不便之處,敬請原諒。 新路線T80分別由美田及顯徑開出,美田班次經美林,顯徑班次經隆亨。 80P調整班次,並取消星期六服務. 80A減至一班車. 80星期六所有往觀塘班次都會經過顯徑. 渣打馬拉松於本星期日舉行。 當日改道安排請留意我哋Facebook專頁。 以下係各區前往十公里賽起點之特別路線資料,可供各位參考,所 …
Bus 12 | SEPTA
Serving Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties. Call (215) 580-7800 or TDD/TTY (215) 580-7853 for Customer Service.
Line 12: MLK Jr. - Temescal - Grand - AC Transit
Gilman St. & 6th St., Berkeley to Oakland Amtrak at Jack London Square via Gilman St., Hopkins St., Martin Luther King Jr. Way, 55th St., Temescal District, Piedmont Ave., Grand Ave., Broadway, and Downtown Oakland.
MTA Bus Time: Route Bx12-SBS
Select Bus Service via Pelham Pkwy / Fordham Rd. Choose your direction: to SELECT BUS BAY PLAZA CO-OP CITY; to SELECT BUS BROADWAY INWOOD
12 Roosevelt (Bus Route Info) - CTA - Chicago Transit Authority
First bus/last bus. Spans of service below show when first bus departs terminal of origin through last bus departs terminal of origin. First and last buses reach mid-route stops later than these times-see schedule or use trip planner for specific times when service works for you.
Route 12: Western Avenue - Knoxville Area Transit
The KAT 12 - Western Avenue bus serves 46 bus stops in the Knoxville area departing from Knoxville Station Bay E and ending at Industrial Pkwy N Bound.
城巴12線 | 香港巴士大典 | Fandom
港島半山區巴士路線12,由城巴營辦,循環來往中環3號碼頭[註 1]及羅便臣道/柏道,於半山區內以逆時針途經堅道、西摩道及羅便臣道折返。 於城巴12M線服務時間以外,12線另繞經金鐘,並於堅道及西摩道之間繞經般咸道、柏道及衛城道。
九巴12線 | 香港巴士大典 | Fandom
九龍市區巴士路線12,由九巴營辦,來往海麗邨及尖沙咀東(麼地道),途經港鐵南昌站、大角咀(深旺道)、旺角西(海泓道)及渡船角。 香港巴士大典