Brucite - Wikipedia
Brucite is the mineral form of magnesium hydroxide, with the chemical formula Mg 2. It is a common alteration product of periclase in marble; a low-temperature hydrothermal vein mineral in metamorphosed limestones and chlorite schists; and formed during serpentinization of dunites.
水镁石 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Sep 1, 2023 · 水镁石 (英语: Brucite)是 氢氧化镁 的矿物形式,化学成分为Mg (OH) 2[1]。 白色,玻璃光泽,半透明,硬度2.5,比重2.3~2.6 [2]。 为大理石中方镁石的常见变质矿物。 也是在变质石灰岩和绿泥石片岩中的低温热液矿物 [3]。 并在纯橄榄岩蛇纹石化过程中也能形成水镁石。 水镁石通常与蛇纹石、 方解石 、文石、白云石、 菱镁矿 、水菱镁矿、青铜石Artinite、滑石和温石棉伴生 [4]. 它具有层状 CdI 2 结构,层间有 氢键 [5]。 水镁石于1824年由 François Sulpice …
Brucite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Brucite mineral data, information about Brucite, its properties and worldwide locations.
Brucite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Brucite (Mg(OH) 2) has an hexagonal structure (space group Pm1). It is often formed from the alteration of periclase (MgO) in Mg-bearing limestones and dolomites. These occurrences can be due to low-temperature hydrothermal alteration or metamorphism of limestones and schists and during the serpentinization of dunite.
Brucite : Properties, Occurrence, Uses » Geology Science
Jun 12, 2023 · Brucite is a mineral that is composed of magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2). It belongs to the class of minerals known as hydroxides, which are compounds containing a metal cation and one or more hydroxide anions. Brucite specifically consists of magnesium ions (Mg2+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) in a 1:2 ratio.
水镁石 - ChemicalBook
水镁石(brucite),又称氢氧镁石,其主要成分为氢氧化镁,是迄今为止发现的含镁量最高的一种矿物。 理论成分为MgO 69.12%,H2O 30.88%。 Fe2+、Mn2+ 、Zn2+能以类质同象混入物代替Mg2+,从而形成变种:铁水镁石、锰水镁石、锌水镁石以及锰锌水镁石等。
Brucite | Magnesium Hydroxide, Crystal Structure, Hexagonal
Brucite, mineral composed of magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2. It generally forms soft, waxy to glassy, white or pale-green, gray, or blue crystals, plate aggregates, or fibrous masses associated with other magnesium minerals (e.g., magnesite and dolomite). It …
BRUCITE (Magnesium Hydroxide)
Brucite is a mineral that is not often used as a mineral specimen but does have some important industrial uses. It is a minor ore of magnesium metal and a source of magnesia. It is also used as an additive in certain refractories.
Mineral Group: Brucite group. Occurrence: A common alteration of periclase in marble; a low-temperature hydrothermal vein mineral in metamorphic limestones and chlorite schists; formed during serpentinization of dunites. Association: Calcite, aragonite, dolomite, magnesite, hydromagnesite, artinite, talc, chrysotile.
Brucite Meanings and Crystal Properties - The Crystal Council
Brucite is a magnesium hydroxide mineral that crystallizes in the form of masses, plates, crusts, fibers, botryoidal and small tabular crystals. It can be seen in a variety of colors such as blue, green, white, yellow, pink, red, and even colorless.