What is the significance of Bel leaves in Shiva worship?
The reason that the leaves of the Bilva tree are used in the worship of Shiva is that the Bilva tree emerged from the sweat of Shiva's wife Parvati, as described in the this excerpt from the …
Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa's death - Hinduism Stack Exchange
May 2, 2019 · In the book 'Sri Sarada Devi - Holy Mother' there are references in quite a few places of the Holy Mother preparing betel rolls for The Master, also we know that Sri …
Why are mango leaves kept in the kalash during puja ritual?
Sep 30, 2016 · In this Kalash betel nut or some coins are then put. Thereafter a coconut is set up on the mouth of the Kalash. The tuft of coconut attracts the deity principle from the …
What is the significance of pan and supari in yagna?
English Name : Betel Leaf. In Hinduism the concept of "Aasan" or seat is there. When some guest arrive we usually ask him to have a seat. So Pan is used as a seat to supari. You may also …
food - Is Paan considered Sattvic? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
Betel leaves have a pungent taste, and pungent foods are described as Rajasic, not Sattvic, in the Bhagavad Gita. I'm not sure whether there are any scriptures that give definitive lists of foods …
What is the significance of nãrikel (coconut) in pooja?
It is placed on top of a kalash, with mango or betel vine leaves during kalash sthãpan in pujã rituals. Coconut water is also used during abhishek in some south Indian temples. It is cracked …
Who propounded the method of doing Puja using akshatas?
Feb 21, 2016 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …
Was there a battle between lord Krishna and Arjun in Mahabharat?
Dec 13, 2017 · One fine morning-nay, it was the worst morning in his life-while going to Brahmaloka by Vimana (an airbus), chewing the betel leaf unmindfully spitted it out. The red …
philosophy - Who were the Carvakas? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
Jun 17, 2020 · As Paan interact with prepared Betel nuts and generates the colors on our lips when chewed ,in the same way , these non living elements mix with each others to create life. …
vedas - Vidhi and Vidhan in Worship - Hinduism Stack Exchange
Oct 25, 2016 · 7)Incense sticks,a lamp, wicks , ghee or other oil ,a camphor stand and pieces of camphor.Also if one have, betel leaves and nuts(for the tamboolam part in the shodasa …