BM-22 Uragan | Strategic Bureau of Information
The BM-22 Uragan is a Russian 220 mm Multiple Rocket Launcher. It was developed in the Soviet Union during the 70’s SKB PMZ, Perm Mashinostroitelnyi Zavod, (today Motovelikha) and NPO Splav. The BM-22 Uragan entered service in 1975.
BM-22 220mm Multiple Launch Rocket System August 2012 BM-21's Bigger Brother? The 220mm BM-22 represents a significantly more powerful follow-on to the ubiquitous 122mm BM-21 multiple rocket launcher. Developed in the early 1970s, the BM-22 Uragan ("hurricane") apparently addressed the Soviet requirement for an MRL that would be more
BM-27 Uragan - Wikipedia
The BM-27 Uragan (Russian: БМ-27 Ураган, lit. 'Hurricane'; GRAU index 9P140) is a self-propelled 220 mm multiple rocket launcher designed in the Soviet Union to deliver cluster munitions. The system began its service with the Soviet Army in the late 1970s, and was its first spin and fin stabilized heavy multiple rocket launcher.
9P140 220-mm Multiple Rocket Launcher - GlobalSecurity.org
Feb 14, 2018 · The 9P140 Uragan (previously referred to incorrectly as BM-22) is the world's first modern fin and spin-stabilized heavy rocket system. The BM-27 was first seen in 1977, hence the preliminary...
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BM-22 Uragan | Strategic Bureau of Information
Le BM-22 Uragan est un Lance-Roquette Multiple de 220 mm russe. Il a été développé en Union soviétique dans les années 1970 par SKB PMZ, Perm Mashinostroitelnyi Zavod, (aujourd’hui Motovelikha) et NPO Splav.
マイクロ電子天びん(天秤) / ミクロ電子天びん(天秤) BM-5 / BM-20 / BM-22 / BM …
データメモリ BMシリーズは最大200個の計量結果(または100個のタイムスタンプ付き)または50個の最新の校正/校正テスト結果を保存できます。 保存されたデータは、後で一括でプリンタ/PCなどに出力させることもできます。 クイックUSBおよびRS-232Cの2chインタフェース標準装備。 PCとプリンタ、PCとデータロガーなど2カ所に同時出力が可能 クイック USBを使用すると、キーボード入力と同じ方法でMicrosoft Excel、Word、メモ帳などにデータを簡単に送 …
220-mm Multiple Rocket Launcher - Federation of American …
The 9P140 Uragan (previously referred to incorrectly as BM-22) is the world’s first modern fin and spin-stabilized heavy rocket system. The BM-27 was first seen in 1977, hence the preliminary designation MRL M1977. The launcher, 9T452 transloader, rockets, and support equipment constitutes the 9K57 complex.
Ion BM-22, 5.1g/22 g x 1μg/0.01mg with Internal Calibration
5.1 g / 22 g. Readability: 0.001 mg / 0.01 mg. Repeatability: 0.004 mg (for 1 g) / 0.01 mg Linearity: ±0.010 mg / ±0.02 mg Calibration: Internal. Stabilization Time: 10 s | 8 s. Weighing Pan Dimensions: Ø 25 mm / 0.98 in
BM-22火箭炮是什么时候开始使用的? - 百度知道
继bm-21火箭炮之后,bm-22(又称“飓风”)于1987年开始装备部队,主要装备师级以上炮兵部队。 口径为300毫米,采用前苏联火箭炮的传统布局,12支定向管排列成II型,左右各四管,上