Boeing B-47 Stratojet - Wikipedia
The Boeing B-47 Stratojet (Boeing company designation Model 450) is a retired American long- range, six-engined, turbojet -powered strategic bomber designed to fly at high subsonic speed and at high altitude to avoid enemy interceptor aircraft.
Jan 3, 2012 · The B-47B was to be built at the government-owned Boeing Plant II at Wichita, Kansas, since the Seattle plants were all committed to the manufacture of the B-50 and the C-97, and the conversion of obsolescent B-29s to tankers. The B-47B was powered by six General Electric J47-GE-11 engines and had structural
B-47轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
波音 B-47「同溫層噴射機」 (英語: B-47 Stratojet)是一型擁有六具噴射發動機的長程中型 轟炸機。 它的設計目的是以高亞 音速 的速度自高空穿透 蘇聯 的防線,以 核彈 攻擊蘇聯本土地區。 B-47可以說是自 二次世界大戰 以來一個極為重要的跨時代設計。 在現代大型噴射客機上所見到幾個重要特徵,包括大型後掠翼跟安置於機翼下的發動機夾艙設計,此時都應用在B-47之上。 B-47轟炸機於1951年正式進入 美國空軍 服役。 雖然它在服役期間從未以轟炸機的角色參加過任何一 …
B-47轰炸机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
波音 B-47“同温层喷射机” (英语: B-47 Stratojet)是一型拥有六具喷射发动机的长程中型 轰炸机。 它的设计目的是以高亚 音速 的速度自高空穿透 苏联 的防线,以 核弹 攻击苏联本土地区。 B-47可以说是自 二次世界大战 以来一个极为重要的跨时代设计。 在现代大型喷射客机上所见到几个重要特征,包括大型后掠翼跟安置于机翼下的发动机夹舱设计,此时都应用在B-47之上。 B-47轰炸机于1951年正式进入 美国空军 服役。 虽然它在服役期间从未以轰炸机的角色参加过任何一 …
Boeing B-47B Stratojet - This Day in Aviation
Feb 5, 2025 · The Boeing B-47B Stratojet was the first full-production model. The B-47B is 106 feet, 10 inches (32.563 meters) long with a wingspan of 116 feet, 0 inches(35.357 meters), and an overall height of 27 feet, 11 inches (8.509 meters). The wings are shoulder-mounted with the leading edges swept aft to 36° 37′.
B-47轰炸机 - 百度百科
Jun 15, 2016 · BOEING B-47B The B model Stratojet was the first aircraft in the B-47 series that was actually combat ready. The outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950 accelerated production plans for military aircraft in general. The B-47 was no exception as the original order for 87 aircraft was increased to 399. The first 87 aircraft
Boeing B-47 Stratojet of the U.S. Air Force - Airplanes Online
U.S. Air Force B-47 Stratojet design, production numbers, specifications, scrapping and list and photographs of surviving aircraft.
B-47 Versions | B-47 Stratojet Historical Website
The Boeing B-47 Stratojet was a medium-range, strategic bombardment aircraft developed around a shoulder-mounted wing with a 35 degree sweep back wing with six podded engines slung below the wing. As in almost every case of aircraft development later and better design and uses become the normal.
B-47B STRATOJET BOMBER - Grissom Air Museum
The Boeing B-47, the world’s first swept-wing bomber, made its initial flight on Dec. 17, 1947 and quantity deliveries began in 1951. When production ended in 1957, more than 1,200 Stratojets were serving with the Strategic Air Command at USAF bases throughout the world.