HGF B.V. STANDARD TERMS OF BUSINESS October 2021 Page 1 of 4 HGF B.V. STANDARD TERMS OF BUSINESS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Thank you for instructing HGF B.V. (“HGF”) to act as Patent Attorneys and/or Trade Mark Agents on your behalf. HGF is located in The Hague and Amsterdam and is registered with the Trade Register (KvK) under no. 63864606.
HGF - Patent & Trade Mark Attorneys - Intellectual Property Rights ...
Our law team provides services which complement those provided by HGF’s patent and trade mark attorneys, covering IP litigation, transactional IP, commercial law, data protection and privacy, due diligence and IP advisory work.
Paris - HGF
HGF is dedicated to providing a comprehensive service both across Europe and internationally. Contact us to find out how we can work with your business. Tel. +33(0) 172 355 875
Amsterdam - HGF
HGF is dedicated to providing a comprehensive service both across the Netherlands and internationally. Contact us to find out how we can work with your business. Tel. +31(0) 20 809 5628. Email our team
About us and our dynamic Intellectual Property Services - HGF
The breadth and depth of knowledge and experience across HGF, combined with state of the art technology to support our service to clients, enables us to create value from innovation and deliver advice that is commercially astute and trusted by clients across the globe.
Contact our Office in Amsterdam - HGF
Contact our HGF team in Amsterdam directly to find out how we can work with your business.
HGF B.V. STANDARDGESCHÄFTSBEDINGUNGEN 1. EINFÜHRUNG 1.1 Vielen Dank, dass Sie HGF B.V. („HGF“) beauftragt haben, als IP‐Spezialisten für Patent‐ und Markenwesen (Patent Attorneys and/or Trade Mark Agents) für Sie aufzutreten. HGF hat seinen Sitz in Den Haag und Amsterdam und ist im
Our People - Pieter De Ruijter - HGF
Bespoke and industry-unique teams powered by great minds. Discover how Pieter De Ruijter's expertise and experience fits perfectly into the HGF team.
Contact Us - HGF Intellectual Property Specialists
To send us instructions, please contact our docketing department. Alternatively, you may instruct your usual HGF contact directly.
PRESS RELEASE – HGF secures private equity investment
HGF secures private equity investment to propel its vision of being Europe’s IP Firm of Choice; to attract top talent and to deliver excellence to clients. Over the past 30 years, HGF has expanded its presence across Europe, consistently demonstrating an entrepreneurial approach and becoming one of Europe’s leading IP firms.