The Practice of Atma Vichara by Sri Ramana Maharshi
2022年1月17日 · Atma Vichara, enquiring into the Self is the most important meditation practice of jnana yoga. It seems that its application may have varied over time, and in the upanishadic past it was based on pursuing the meditation ‘I am Brahman’ or ‘I am that’ or ‘I am not this’.
What is Atma Vichara? - Definition from Yogapedia
2023年12月21日 · Atma vichara is a yogic practice that involves analysis or inquiry into the self. The term comes from the Sanskrit, atma, which means the “self” or “soul,” and vichara, meaning “thought,” “deliberation” or “analysis.”
Self-enquiry (Ramana Maharshi) - Wikipedia
Self-enquiry, also spelled self-inquiry (Sanskrit vichara, also called jnana -vichara[1] or ātma -vichār), is the constant attention to the inner awareness of "I" or "I am" recommended by Ramana Maharshi as the most efficient and direct way of discovering the unreality of the "I"-thought.
In Ramana Maharshi’s own words: How to do Self Enquiry - Tom Das
2019年10月27日 · I have taken and arranged the following quotes from Ramana Maharshi's two works Who Am I? (Nan Yar?) and Self Enquiry (Vichara Sangraham) with a focus on Self Enquiry and how to actually put the method into practice. In order to do this, we will also look at some of the underpinning theory and also…
Atma Vichara – Practice of Self-Inquiry - ayurvedaplace.com
2024年9月24日 · And in order to comprehend the true “I” that is hidden behind these veils, there is a practice called atma vichara, which allows one to immerse oneself in the contemplation of one’s true nature and separate the eternal from the transient.
Vichara - Wikipedia
Vichara, Self-inquiry, also called jnana-vichara[12] or ātma -vichār by devotees of Ramana Maharshi, is the constant attention to the inner awareness of 'I' or 'I am'. It was recommended by Ramana Maharshi as the most efficient and direct way of discovering the unreality of the ‘I'-thought, and then discovering one's identity with its source.
Self-Inquiry and Its Practice - Swami J
The practice of Self-inquiry, called Atma-vichara in Sanskrit, is the most important meditation practice in the Vedantic tradition. It is the main practice of the yoga of knowledge (Jnana Yoga), which itself is traditionally regarded as the highest of …
Atma Vichara - Antarmukhananda.org
2020年2月2日 · The seeker takes upadesha from Guru and reverses the respirations through the sushumna thereby attain moksha. The yogagni generated extends inspirations, making the mind sharp for atma vichara.
The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi: An Integral View
2024年12月30日 · Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, perhaps modern India’s greatest sage, recommended Atma-Vichara or Self-inquiry as the best and most direct approach for Self-realization. However, a careful examination of his teachings reveals that he recommended yogic approaches of devotion, mantra or raja yoga – he encouraged whatever might aid a person in …
Ramana Maharshi’s Self-Inquiry: A Direct Path to Realizing the …
Ramana Maharshi's method of self-inquiry, known as "Atma Vichara," is a profound spiritual practice that guides seekers directly to the realization of the Self. Unlike other practices that involve complex rituals or meditations, self-inquiry is simple, yet its impact is …