Village of Ardsley – welcome! Ardsley is a vibrant suburb of New York City. It has great schools, convenient shopping, a variety of restaurants, an interesting history and a supportive community. We hope you are enjoying getting to know your new home town. As you do, you will see why Ardsley is such a terrific place to live, work and raise a ...
Ardsley, NY 10502 63 - 65 7.g Consider a Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Ardsley Calling for a Public Hearing to Announce Its Intent to Serve as Lead Agency Pursuant to the New York State Environmental Protection Act ("SEQRA") for the Proposed Adoption of Its Revised Comprehensive Plan ("The Plan")
addressed to the Village of Ardsley, The Village Hall, 507 Ashford Ave, Ardsley, New York and endorsed “Proposed Heatherdell Road Sidewalk Improvement and Guide Rail Project”. The Village of Ardsley reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any informality in
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Village of Ardsley
2023年12月11日 · The Planning Board of the Village of Ardsley will meet at 8:00 p.m., Monday, December 11, 2023, in the Village Hall Court Room, 507 Ashford Avenue, Ardsley, New York, to consider: Tasha Macedo
Village of Ardsley Ardsley, New York 10502 Dear Mayor Kaboolian and Members of the Board of Trustees: I hereby submit for Board of Trustees consideration the 2024-2025 Village Manager’s Tentative Budget, which reflects a comprehensive review of all departmental operations and spending priorities.
ARDSLEY, NY . The Village of Ardsley seeks a professional, well organized individual to serve as the Confidential Secretary to the Village Manager. This position requires regular interactions with the public on a variety of matters, and the candidate must be able to work in busy environment
2024年5月6日 · 1.1 The Regular Meeting of the Village of Ardsley Board of Trustees was held on Monday, April 15, 2024 at Village Hall, Court Facility, 507 Ashford Avenue, Ardsley, NY 10502. Deputy Mayor Edelstein called to order the Regular Meeting at 8:01 p.m. Members Present: Deputy Mayor/Trustee Steve Edelstein Trustee Andy DiJusto Trustee Barry McGoey
VILLAGE OF ARDSLEY . WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received at the Village of Ardsley Village Hall, Attention: Ann Marie Rocco, 507 Ashford Ave, Ardsley, NY 10502until 10,: 00 am local time of Friday, July 28th, 2023 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud for work that shall include
A walk-through of Village facilities in Ardsley is required prior to submitting a bid and can be scheduled by contacting the Confidential Secretary, Charles Hessler, at 914-693-1550 or [email protected].
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Ardsley, New York
Ardsley, New York Sanitary Sewer System µ 0 25 50 100 Feet Addresses!. Sewer Manholes Sewer Mains Map Page Boundary Municipal Boundary Buildings Parcels Roadways Streams Lake, Pond, or Reservoir County Parks State Parks Local Parks B2 M ich a e l nO f Bu d g 148 Martin eAv Rm 2 White Plains, NY 10601 h tp://g is www.w estcheste rgov.com Page 5 ...