Contact - Official Apple Support
Contact Apple support by phone or chat, set up a repair, or make a Genius Bar appointment for iPhone, iPad, Mac and more.
iPhone Repair and Service - Apple Support (IN)
iPhone Repair and Service. We’re here to help. Apple-certified repairs are performed by trusted experts who only use genuine Apple parts – designed, tested and manufactured for Apple’s safety and performance standards. How can I get service for my iPhone?
iPhone Repair and Service - Apple Support
iPhone Repair and Service. We’re here to help. Apple-certified repairs are performed by trusted experts who only use genuine Apple parts — designed, tested, and manufactured for Apple’s safety and performance standards. How can I get service for my iPhone?
Apple Repair and Repair Status Check - Official Apple Support
Start a repair request now for iPhone, iPad, Mac and more. Apple-certified repairs are performed by trusted experts who use only genuine Apple parts.
iPhone Repair & Service – Apple Support (AU)
iPhone Repair & Service. We’re here to help. Apple-certified repairs are performed by trusted experts who only use genuine Apple parts — designed, tested and manufactured for Apple’s safety and performance standards. How can I get service for my iPhone?
Official Apple Support
To ensure you receive a genuine Apple battery during a battery replacement, we recommend visiting an Apple Store or Apple Authorized Service Provider. If you need a replacement adapter to charge your Apple device, we recommend getting an Apple power adapter.
Servis & Perbaikan iPhone - Apple Support (ID)
Penyedia Servis Resmi Apple dapat menetapkan biaya mereka sendiri. Silakan hubungi penyedia servis terdekat untuk mendapatkan perkiraan biaya. Memilih penyedia servis. Servis perangkat keras mungkin sudah tidak tersedia bagi beberapa produk lama. Melihat produk lawas dan usang
iPhone Repair and Service - Apple Support (PH)
Need to repair your iPhone? See your service options, their costs by coverage type, and how long they take.
Kontakt – Offizieller Apple Support (DE)
Wende dich telefonisch oder per Chat an den Apple Support, gib eine Reparatur in Auftrag, oder vereinbare einen Termin an der Genius Bar für dein iPhone, dein iPad, deinen Mac und mehr.
Apple Repair and Repair Status Check – Official Apple Support
Find out more about your Apple Limited Warranty or AppleCare Product coverage status, and get service and repair information for a specific Apple product.