B&T APC223 - What’s the real deal? - AR15.COM
2019年1月8日 · I paid 2k w 7 mags for my APC new so I took it. I have 8 AR15s and was looking for a possibly better weapon. So, I was considering the B&T APC 223 and/or 308, Bren805 …
Scar 16S or HK MR556 or B&T APC223? - Page 2 - AR15.COM
2023年5月10日 · No armorer's manual for the new APC 223 pro model is available yet but they are working on it. 922 R parts are: pistol grip, magazine (3), and Elftmann trigger (3). The MBT …
B&T APC Rifles Picture and Discussion Thread - AR15.COM
2022年7月15日 · My APC 223 is by far one of my favorite rifles, it’s an early 1st Gen sample. Currently waiting for my Surefire SB2 eform 4, the 7.62 RC2 is just a little to front heavy, but it …
Anyone have experience with B&T APC223 PDW (10.3”)?
2022年7月31日 · Fit and finish on the APC is way better than the Bren 2 (and SCAR). B&T is just in another league. In terms of function they're both great guns. The charging handle on the …
B&T APC 223 (SBR range report pg. 3) - AR15.COM
2017年1月11日 · The 223 takes any regular ar mags. The 9 takes their own proprietary polymer mags, same mags as the tp9, p26, and kh9. And the 45 takes its own proprietary metal mags.
B&T APC223 - What’s the real deal? - Page 2 - AR15.COM
2019年6月5日 · The APC-Pro are out and more to come, those, of course as everything else that just comes out sells for a premium. All others took a slight to modest dip in prices. I got my …
B&T APC 223 (SBR range report pg. 3) - Page 2 - AR15.COM
2017年2月14日 · The 223 takes any regular ar mags. The 9 takes their own proprietary polymer mags, same mags as the tp9, p26, and kh9. And the 45 takes its own proprietary metal mags.
Any reviews and feedback on b&t APC 223s - AR15.COM
2018年10月1日 · I was actually on the fence between the APC223 short pistol and the Rattler. I went with the Rattler for a few reasons (300 BLK being the main one). If the APC in 300BLK …
B&T APC 308 - AR15.COM
2019年5月20日 · My understanding is that the stock interface is the same on all the APC series. So yes the same brace that fits the APC 9/45/223 should fit. Posted: 5/19/2019 2:47:26 PM EST
Recoil of B&T APC9 vs AR15 .223? - AR15.COM
2024年10月2日 · Oddly enough, I feel that the apc-9 has a bit of recoil the way I shoot it. I haven’t shot an unsuppressed rifle in almost 5 years other than function tests. When I shoot the apc9 …