Ankyrin - Wikipedia
Ankyrins are a family of proteins that mediate the attachment of integral membrane proteins to the spectrin - actin based membrane cytoskeleton. [2] . Ankyrins have binding sites for the beta …
锚蛋白 - 百度百科
锚蛋白 (ankyrin)属于联结蛋白家族,广泛存在于各种 组织细胞 中。 锚蛋白连接 整合膜蛋白 到 细胞骨架 蛋白网络,在多种细胞功能活动中起关键作用,参与机体生长、发育、细胞内蛋白转运、细 …
Ankyrin repeat - Wikipedia
Ankyrin repeats typically fold together to form a single, linear solenoid structure called ankyrin repeat domains. These domains are one of the most common protein–protein interaction …
Roles and mechanisms of ankyrin-G in neuropsychiatric disorders
2022年7月6日 · Ankyrin proteins act as molecular scaffolds and play an essential role in regulating cellular functions. Recent evidence has implicated the ANK3 gene, encoding …
Ankyrins: roles in synaptic biology and pathology - PMC
Ankyrins are broadly expressed adaptors that organize diverse membrane proteins into specialized domains and link them to the sub-membranous cytoskeleton. In neurons, ankyrins …
听觉感觉受体研究小史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
视觉研究步子迈得最快,19世纪就由德国生理学家Franz Christian Boll发现了光受体蛋白视紫红质rhodopsin在视网膜视杆细胞上的表达,之后美国科学家George Wald通过生物化学手段揭 …
Human ankyrins and their contribution to disease biology: An …
2020年11月24日 · Ankyrins (Ank) are ubiquitously expressed proteins that play a critical role in the integrity of cytoskeleton and cellular signalling. Their presence in metazoans and …
Ankyrin: structure, properties, and functions - PubMed
Recent data on characteristics of the structure, functions, and main properties of ankyrins (proteins that are linkers between the spectrin-based cytoskeleton and integral membrane …
锚定蛋白 - 百度百科
锚定蛋白 (ankyrin)又称带2.1蛋白。 锚定蛋白是一种比较大的细胞内连接蛋白, 每个红细胞约含10万个锚定蛋白, 相对分子质量 为215,000。 锚定蛋白基因定位于第8号染色体P11.2区段, …
Ankyrin repeat: a unique motif mediating protein-protein …
2006年12月26日 · Ankyrin repeat, one of the most widely existing protein motifs in nature, consists of 30-34 amino acid residues and exclusively functions to mediate protein-protein …