bass the world ampeg venture review - TalkBass.com
Oct 20, 2023 · Ampeg's really been pushing the B-15 vs SVT sound lately, I don't buy it, IMHO the only difference between a B-15 and an SVT is the SVT can go a lot louder and has much more tone shaping capabilities, you can make an SVT sound like a B-15 but there are sounds an SVT can make that you can't make with a B-15 but also they're on the extreme ends of the spectrum.
Ampeg 4x10 Comparison - TalkBass.com
Nov 28, 2024 · I am having difficulties finding the differences between all those Ampeg 410s. I don't mean spec sheets, or even price, I mean real world differences in sound. There are SVT-410HLF, SVT-410HE, Heritage SVT-410HLF, PF-410HLF and Venture VB-410 currently available. I might have missed a few What is "the" Ampeg 410 and why? Is one better for a ...
Ampeg B2RE - TalkBass.com
Feb 23, 2018 · The Ampeg SVT 3Pro is a great amp as well but, examples in that price range are typically well worn and high mileage. It also has a power amp in/preamp out on the back to experiment with other preamps or vice versa.
Ampeg ba210 v2,anybody have a review - TalkBass.com
Aug 23, 2014 · Ampeg decided to trade amps instead of doing a driver swap. The old one had become really sweet sounding after loosening up the noisy speaker. I actually had mixed feelings doing the trade, but am already in lust with the new one. It needs some time to break in, but already has that awesome Ampeg tone pouring out.
Your Thoughts On The Ampeg Classic SVT-610HLF Cabinet 6x10
Nov 13, 2005 · The 610hlf will get you the low-mid bump you desire. Ampeg cabs in general will put out the low-mid bump and this is where most people will say that Ampeg sounds muddy. The low-mid bump (around 200-400hz) is the "muddy zone" according to most album producers.
Ampeg Serial Number Date Code - TalkBass.com
May 3, 2001 · Ampeg may very well have used 100 or 101 as the starting point during slow production periods. Nevertheless, for dating purposes, the serial number provides adequate information during this period. For example, a Duette with serial number 710201 was made in 1957 (7), during October (10), and was possibly the 201st amp made that month.
Rumble 500 vs Ampeg Rocketbass RB-210 - TalkBass.com
Aug 12, 2022 · Ampeg Rocket bass combos are newer, I think they first came back out last spring, so they've not had as long for people to judge them. They've got a bit more midrange in their tone, so you'll cut through a little better. The SGT overdrive circuit on this gets better marks than the Fender's from most folks.
Ampeg V4B Reissue vs SVT-CL pros and cons... - TalkBass.com
Dec 26, 2024 · Hey all! I currently running the mentioned v4B reissue through an Ampeg 212av. Using it for power-pop isnpired punk rock. It sounds amazing, and I should have ditched my 610hlf a LOOOONG time ago for the 212av. That said, I have a chance to buy an SVT-CL from a studio that has produced some of my FAVORITE records.
New Ampeg Venture Series - TalkBass.com
Jan 22, 2020 · You could call me an Ampeg shill so please take my post with a grain of salt. This is just plain lazy on Ampeg/Yamaha's part. Although I have and love the SGT DI, I don't see the merit of releasing a class D pairing when the premap is designed to work with most power amps.
FULL REVIEW: Ampeg SVT-7Pro & 610HLF **Loud Era
Aug 15, 2011 · Ampeg here chooses to use their own design (although I wouldn't be surprised to find the same board elsewhere in the LOUD family, probably in one of their active subs). With the exception of the SMPS chipset, the output board looked more like a Class-AB job to me, with what looks like large MOSFETS attached to two smallish aluminum heat sinks.