Amidst - Map explorer for Minecraft 1.14 and later
Sep 28, 2021 · Amidst will not track you with Google Analytics, which was the case in older versions. Legal Information. Amidst is not owned by or related to Mojang in any way. Amidst comes with absolutely no warranty. Amidst is free and open source software, licensed under the GPLv3. Screenshots
[v3.7] AMIDST - Strongholds, Village, Biome, Etc. Finder. [1.7.4]
Sep 14, 2011 · AMIDST is designed to help enhance the process of finding structures, biomes, and players in minecraft. By accessing your minecraft files, it's able to draw the biomes of the world out and show where points of interest are likely to be.
How can I help Amidst to find game profiles that aren't in default ...
Jun 26, 2019 · amidst-v3-3-beta5.exe DOES workd with 1.13.1 and 1.13.2 but not with 1.14 releases. For this reason I have shortcuts for both releases of Amidst on my desktop right next to my icons for Minecraft, Minecraft 10, Minutor, and NBTExplorer.
Does Amidst still work to view seeds in new versions of Minecraft ...
Oct 13, 2023 · AMIDST appears to have been discontinued; even if you used a 1.16 instance to view a seed it would be useless for 1.18+ because world generation was completely changed (much like in 1.7, but even more so).
Mar 11, 2020 · Amidst is now up to version 4.3 beta2 and, as far as biomes, mines, witch huts, and temples is concerned is accurate up through PCMCv1.12. BE AWARE that Amidst ONLY works with VANILLA profiles. Pointing the program at a modded profile (even just Optifine) will cause it to crash.
Using Amidst type programs to map and research Seeds
Jul 13, 2019 · Another difference between AE and Amidst is that the map Title in the upper left corner will show both the text seed (if one was entered) along with the numeric seed that was used to produce the map. As with Amidst hitting Ctrl-C while viewing the map will copy the numeric seed to your clipboard for entry into Minecraft.
Is there any tool like AMIDST for MCPE worlds? - Minecraft Forum
Oct 5, 2017 · I remember black skies, the lighting all around me using AMIDST for finding places to set up colonies (and strongholds), and now that MCPE has gone infinite (Far Lands notwithstanding) I want to do it all again. Is there any tool like that?
AMIDST compatibility - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
Jul 13, 2016 · Amidst is NOT compatible with ANY modded Minecraft.jar including Optifine. To get an Amidst map for an Optifine profile use the original unmodded profile that is untouched when Optifine creates its profile/folder. Amidst has yet to be released with an update for PCMCv1.10.x.
What happened with Amidst? - Seeds - Minecraft Forum
Jul 16, 2016 · I was looking for a compatible version of Amidst containing 1.10 addings but it seems the project was abandoned by the original developer.
Amidst and 1.15 - Seeds - Minecraft Forum
Nov 29, 2019 · From a user perspective, the latest Amidst beta seems to work well with MC 1.15. I started a new 1.15 game yesterday and downloaded Amidst amidst-v4-4-beta1 which supports MC 1.15. It worked just as Amidst always has - at least I …