2017年8月9日 · organized into Authorized Medical Allowance List (AMAL) or Authorized Dental Allowance List (ADAL) blocks and medical kits, according to unit mission requirements. …
MEDLOGCOs are required to maintain the Authorized Medical Allowance Lists/Authorized Dental Allowance List (AMALs/ADAL) for the respective Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF).
2017年2月28日 · General Information The objective of this NAVMC 4000.3A is to provide Medical Logistics Company (MEDLOGCO) personnel with general information necessary to use
authorized medical allowance list (amal), authorized dental allowance list (adal), and medical kit set lists . tamcn amals, adal, and medical kits . c31502 . individual first aid kit (ifak) c53322 ; …
An AMAL is a list containing the minimum requirements of materiel to establish a specific Health Service Support (HSS} capability during combat/deployed operations per reference (a). Each...
Medical and dental assemblage lists, also known as AMAL and ADAL, are clinically driven documents that identify the minimum quantity of equipment and consumable items that U.S. …
lists, also known as Authorized Medical Allowance Lists (AMAL) and Authorized Dental Allowance Lists (ADAL), are clinically driven documents that identify the minimum quantity of...