Aluminum metal–organic frameworks: From structures to …
Aug 15, 2023 · In this review, we systematically summarize the SBUs and linkers from a structural perspective. We also highlight the research progress of Al-MOFs with novel topologies and structures. According to the composition of Al-metal nodes, Al-MOFs can be divided into Al 3+ -ions, Al 3+ -chains, or Al 3+ -clusters.
Al基底无粘结剂生长Al-MOFs,增强环境水吸附容量! - 知乎
文章要点1:在本文中,作者开发出一种在金属结构上构建MOFs的无粘结剂方法,即 利用铝基底溶解形成的铝离子 原位合成 出铝基MOFs (MIL-96 and MIL-100),成功铝基底上制备出良好共生的多晶Al-MOF层。
Aluminium-based MIL-100(Al) and MIL-101(Al) metal–organic …
MIL-100 (Al) and MIL-101 (Al) are two related and particularly interesting mesoporous aluminium-based metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) that are able to adsorb and encapsulate a large panel of molecules and catalyse a wide range of reactions. Furthermore, they can be functionalized in many ways, or transformed i
Recent advances in aluminium-based metal-organic frameworks (MOF…
Dec 1, 2020 · Aluminium-based metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are considered as one of the most promising MOFs which have been widely investigated because of their excellent framework stability. In addition, aluminium is a relatively cheap and abundant metal source compared to others, making it as an attractive metal source for mass production of the MOFs.
Synthesis and characterization of Al@MOF materials
Mar 15, 2019 · MOFs are a unique class of inorganic-organic hybrid materials built up from metal or metal oxide secondary building units (SBUs) and linked together by organic molecules (linkers) into a wide variety of porous structures.
铝基 MIL-100 (Al) 和 MIL-101 (Al) 金属有机骨架、衍生材料和复合 …
MIL-100 (Al) 和 MIL-101 (Al) 是两种相关且特别有趣的介孔铝基金属有机框架 (MOF),它们能够吸附和封装大量分子并催化广泛的反应。 此外,它们可以通过多种方式进行功能化,或转化为具有有趣特性的氧化物或碳质材料。
中北大学王凯、梁君飞CEJ: 原位生长优化的Al-MOF@RGO复合电 …
半电池 组装的Al-MOF@RGO负极材料在1.0 A/g电流密度下循环1000次后表现出468.5 mAh/g的比容量,展示了其长循环容量增强型的优异储锂性能,同时Al-MOF@RGO//LiFePO4的良好全电池性能测试结果展示了其在锂离子电池中的商业应用潜力和价值。
铝基金属有机骨架(MOF)及其膜应用的最新进展,Journal of …
Dec 1, 2020 · 摘要 铝基金属有机骨架(MOFs)被认为是最有前途的MOFs之一,因其优异的骨架稳定性而被广泛研究。 此外,与其他金属相比,铝是一种相对便宜且丰富的金属来源,使其成为大规模生产 MOF 的有吸引力的金属来源。 由于铝基 MOF 的一些有前途的特性,它们也被制造成用于高级分子分离的膜。 本文打算从最先进的通用 MOF 材料开始,特别强调铝基 MOF,然后是膜及其在流体分离中的应用。 首先回顾了来自 MIL(拉瓦锡材料研究所)和 CAU(克里斯蒂安- …
上交《AFM》:一种无粘结剂方法构建铝基MOF,优异吸水性能! …
以铝基体溶解后的铝离子为原料,通过原位合成Al基金属氧化物薄膜 (MIL-96和 MIL-100),在铝基体上制备了生长良好的多晶Al-MOF层。 本文对MOF涂层的形貌和化学成分进行了系统的表征,并提出了一种pH控制策略来调节复合MOF的相对比例。
Rational design of a robust aluminum metal-organic framework …
Oct 9, 2020 · Here we present the water sorption properties of a porous aluminum carboxylate metal-organic framework, [Al (OH) (C 6 H 3 NO 4)]·nH 2 O, KMF-1, discovered by a joint computational predictive and...