"ah," 和 "aw," 和 "oh," 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
"Oh no!" "Oh my gosh." |@M_Kei Ah Aw Oh|@M_Kei ah is like you finally understand something. ex: you can use it after someone explained something and you finally understood it like “ah okay!” aw could mean something cute. if a cute dog walked by you could say “aww that dog is so cute!” oh could also mean you finally understand something ...
Oh】 と 【.....,Ah】 はどう違いますか? | HiNative
"Ah, I see." 和 "Oh, I see." 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
有些人用Oh,有些人用Ah。 一般母语者根本不会想这些才说。 不同点: Ah 恍然大悟,原来如此的感觉。比如说有道难题终于明白了,你一般会说Ah而不是Oh。有一种负担解脱感。 Oh 不是特别强烈,很小的惊讶。有的时候也就用在告诉别人你在跟着他的思路。
Quelle est la différence entre "ah" et "oh" ? | HiNative
Apr 1, 2020 · Synonyme de ah ah is when you finally get it or you couldn't hear it well. ahhhhhhh ah?(a bit rude), better use excuse me? pardon? oh is when you learn something that you didn't expect. oh.. really? oh c'mon. oh no..
What's the difference between Aw, Ah, Oh, Uh and Wow?
Jul 6, 2021 · Wow! That's Difficult.(wow expresses surprise) Uh... let me think (Uh means,"I can't think of anything right now"...) Oh - I know! (Oh means I had a revelation) Ah - it must be one of those English things that is so hard to describe! (Ah means realization; we also say, ah-ha!)|Aw - cute, adorable, sweet, nice Ah - surprise, scared, forgot something Oh - okay, slight …
If I use ah, oh, or eh during the conversation, does it ... - HiNative
Yes, it sounds casual to say ah or oh. We don´t really say eh.|No, not at all.|Yes. Also "uh" is very informal.
"Oh!" 和 "Ah!" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative
Oh!I would say that "Ah!" sounds more surprised than "Oh!" most of the time. "Ah!" can often sound like someone was scared or screaming.的同义词
How do you say "ah oh yeah I understand. - HiNative
Explanation in Portuguese (Brazil): A expressão "Ah, sim" na tradução formal é mais polida e educada, enquanto na tradução casual foi simplificada para "Ah", que é mais informal e comum em conversas do dia a dia. O uso do pronome "eu" na formalidade também contribui para a formalidade da frase, enquanto na tradução casual ele foi omitido, tornando a frase mais …
【ah,】 と 【aw,】 と 【oh,】 はどう違いますか? | HiNative
"ah," 和 "aw," 和 "oh," 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
ah,的同義字ah - expresses an understanding, Ah, I see why you were nervous. aw - expresses grief, Aw, that's so sad. (with two w's it becomes "aww" which is in response to cute things. "Aww, I love your cat!") oh - expresses surprise, Oh, I didn't know you worked here.