ASM-DT amphibious rifle - Wikipedia
The ASM-DT is a Russian prototype folding-stock underwater firearm. It emerged in the 1990s.
ASM-DT dual medium - Modern Firearms
The key improvement of the ASM-DT is that it uses a 5.45 mm rifled barrel with relatively shallow rifling, which allows to fire both standard 5.45 x 39 spin-stabilized ammunition, and modified …
ASM-DT | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The ASM-DT is a dual-medium assault rifle with two barrels for different purposes; a smoothbore barrel for use underwater and a rifled barrel for use above water. The rifled barrel has some …
ASM-DT amphibious rifle - Wikiwand
The ASM-DT is a Russian prototype folding-stock underwater firearm. It emerged in the 1990s.
ASM-DT (AAR) Amphibious Assault Rifle - Military Factory
Oct 3, 2017 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the ASM-DT (AAR) Amphibious Assault Rifle including pictures.
ASM-DT amphibious rifle | Military Wiki | Fandom
The ASM-DT is a Russian folding-stock underwater firearm. It emerged in the 1990s. The introduction of the APS Underwater Assault Rifle solved the problem of how frogmen guarding …
Underwater firearm - Wikipedia
First fielded by the Russian special forces in 2000, the folding-stock ASM-DT amphibious rifle is capable of firing two kinds of ammunition, both of 5.45 mm caliber: 5.45×39mm MGTS variant …
ASM-DT 两栖突击步枪 - 枪炮世界
达尼洛夫并不是研制一种全新的武器,而是在APS的基础上进行大幅改进,由此研制出“双用途”的ASM-DT两栖突击步枪。 该枪绰号Morskoj Lev,即“海狮”。 而对应的俄文是АСМ-ДТ“Морской …
ASM-DT兩棲突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ASM-DT兩棲突擊步槍 (俄语: АСМ-ДТ)是一款由 苏联 槍械設計師尤里·丹尼洛夫教授(Prof. Yuriy Danilov)所研製、 圖拉 兵工廠 於1990年代後期生產的 水下 及水上兩用(兩棲)折疊槍 …
ASM-DT水中アサルトライフル - Wikipedia
ASM-DT水中アサルトライフル (АСМ-ДТ、英:ASM-DT amphibious rifle) は、1990年代に開発された ロシア の特殊部隊向けの 水中銃。 1990年代当時の ロシア海軍 の特殊部隊では、水中 …