AR-50 A1 - Armalite Rifles
The ArmaLite AR-50 A1 is a single shot bolt action rifle chambered in .50 BMG. The rifle features a unique octagonal receiver and utilizes ArmaLite’s proprietary V-Channel Chassis. Designed for the challenges of long-range shooting, the AR-50A1 is exceptionally accurate and highly effective with a large muzzle brake.
Armalite AR-50 .50 BMG Bolt Action Rifle, Blk - 50A1BGGG
This rifle is the newest incarnation of the wildly popular AR-50 chambered for the powerful 50BMG cartridge - a single-shot, bolt-action rifle featuring a unique octagonal receiver bedded down into a V-shaped stock. Designed to be an economical a
- 评论数: 23
ArmaLite AR-50A1 for sale $2,557.45 - In stock - firearms.deals
The ArmaLite AR-50A1 is a .50 caliber bolt-action rifle designed for long-range target shooting and hunting. It has a heavy barrel that measures 30 inches in length, which provides excellent accuracy and stability. The barrel is fluted to reduce weight and dissipate heat, allowing for consistent shot placement over long periods of shooting.
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阿瑪萊特AR-50狙擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿瑪萊特AR-50A1系列狙擊步槍有三種型號,分別是發射標準型.50 BMG 彈藥 的AR-50A1 B、發射 比賽等級 (英语:Match grade).50 BMG彈藥的AR-50A1 B和AR50-A1 B-416。 阿瑪萊特AR-50A1 B-416是AR-50A1 B系列狙擊步槍中最新的一款,發射.416巴雷特 步枪 子彈。 雖然該步槍子彈比較細長,而且 口徑 也小,但全槍的總重量卻比另外兩種略大,達到了15.74公斤(34.7磅)。 雖然AR-50是一支 精度 很高的大口徑步槍,但在1999年後, 巴雷特M82 系列的.50 口徑 …
Armalite AR-50 ——〖枪炮世界〗
阿玛莱特AR-50步枪是一种经济型的.50 BMG口径步枪,在官方网站上,其售价为三千多美元。 AR-50采用旋转后拉式枪机,机匣呈八角形设计,安装在框架型的铝制整体式前托上,机匣有两种型号,一种常规型为50B,另一种左边拉机柄型为50BLB。 前托底下安装有一个M16式的握把,前托后面用螺钉固定了一个可拆卸的肩托。 肩托上有软橡胶缓冲垫和一个高度可调的贴腮板。 枪管为浮置式,只与机匣连接,内有8条右旋膛线,缠距为1:15。 AR-50只是一把单发步枪,所以 …
ArmaLite AR-50 - Wikipedia
The ArmaLite AR-50 is a .50 BMG, single-shot, bolt-action anti-materiel rifle manufactured by ArmaLite. AR50 on display outdoors AR50A1B accessorized
Armalite AR50 A1 .50 BMG Bolt Action Rifle, Black - 50A1RBGG
The ArmaLite AR-50 A1 is a formidable single-shot bolt-action rifle chambered in .50 BMG. It stands out with its distinctive octagonal receiver and incorporates ArmaLite's advanced V-Channel Chassis system. Engineered to excel in long-range shoot
Armalite AR-50A1 Single Shot Bolt Action Rifle 50 BMG 30 Matte - MidwayUSA
The Armalite AR-50A1 is the newest incarnation of the wildly popular AR-50 chambered for the powerful .50BMG cartridge - a single-shot, bolt-action rifle featuring a unique octagonal receiver bedded down into a V-shaped stock.
Armalite AR-50A1 50 BMG 30" Black Rifle 50A1BGGG
Chambering in the heavy hitting 50BMG, the AR-50A1 is a single shot, bolt action rifle that utilizes a distinct octagonal receiver bedded down into a V-Shaped stock. The chrome moly lined, black nitride finished barrel is topped with a sizable and very …
Armalite AR-50 50 BMG Bolt Action Rifle - 30in - Sportsman's …
The AR-50A1 is a highly refined rifle which is a stark and refreshing difference that maintains its superiority over its competition. Armalite’s great .50 has been refined, with smoother action, attractive new bolt stop, and even greater strength than the original AR-50.
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