APM - LZOS Telescope Apo Refractor 130/1200 CNC LW II
If you want to visually magnify higher or need a longer focal length for smaller celestial objects, you should take a look at the 130mm f / 9.2 triplet SuperED Apo from us. With a focal length of 1200mm you can already achieve high magnifications with a moderate focal length of the eyepiece, which e.g. the viewing position on the eyepiece is ...
APM - LZOS Apos - APM Telescopes
The 130 mm APM - LZOS 3-lenser SuperED in the new inexpensive special package with 3.7" APM Focuser.
APM TMB LZOS 130 F/9.2 Triplet Refractor Review
Oct 19, 2023 · Yours and my 130mm F/9.2 objectives come from different ends of the manufacturing life of the optic. Mine is from 2006 and yours 2017 from the optical test certificates. Mine is a mid-range .965 strehl whereas yours is in the …
APM LZOS 130 f/9 - Member Equipment Reviews - Stargazers …
Apr 7, 2021 · Rupert at Astrograph was excellent with his advice and communication. This one has an aluminium tube, with a 3.7" stock focusser. Came with a losmandy plate, cnc rings and carry handle.
APM LZOS 130mm f/9 triplet Apo unboxing - Stargazers Lounge
Aug 12, 2018 · The new APM LZOS 130 next to my APM LZOS 105 f/6.2, both at transportation length. The 105mm scope really is remarkable (I have taken it as carry on abroad) as the 2” focuser sits at the end of a sliding draw tube which really allows the scope to “telescope down” to only 19.4” in length.
APM 130 f/9 Santa came early - Page 2 - Cloudy Nights
Nov 28, 2015 · Yes, it is APM-LZSO 130 f/9 CNC-LW II with FT3545. Focal length is 1200mm so, it is about f/9.23. Tammy, that looks like a visual observers dream, or should I say refractor paradise, to me.
130 f/1200 Apochromat, Lens in Cell - APM Telescopes
If you want to visually magnify higher or need a longer focal length for smaller celestial objects, you should take a look at the APM 130mm f/9 triplet SuperED Apo. With a focal length of almost 1200mm, you can achieve high magnifications even with a moderate focal length of the eyepiece, which is good for the viewing position on the eyepiece ...
APM-LZOS 130mm/F9 CNC-LW 3枚玉スーパーED鏡筒詳細ページ
恐らく世界一の高倍率惑星観望パフォーマンスを提供できるapm-lzos 130 /f9.25鏡筒。 APM-LZOS 105よりほぼ1.5倍、APM-LZOS 115よりも約1.3倍の集光力を持つAPM-LZOS 130鏡筒は、低倍率~高倍率観望及び撮影に最適なプレミウム鏡筒です。
130mm APO Telescope - APM 130/1200 LZOS APO Refractor
The APM-LZOS 130/9 Custom is offered as standard with a Starlight Instruments FT3545 Focuser. The tube is hand made using a phenolic material. This provides excellent anti-dewing properties iand is far more resistant to focus shift than an aluminium tube.
Anyone have an APM-LZOS 130mm f/9.2? - Cloudy Nights
Dec 20, 2015 · It also holds true that the TMB/APM 130 f/9.25 is simply the heart cut out of the TMB/APM 152 f/7.89. Same focal length of 1200mm with a reduction in aperture. The TMB/APM 152 f/7.89 is a fantastic instrument, as are most of the TMB designed LZOS optics.
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