Help my Tivo Mini A93 error loading slices
well 4/25 now (20 days after order) and my replacement mini arrived - surprise! its not the mini vox but a A93 unit - after hooking it up and going thru setup it then came back with a message that it was not compatible with my roamio plus and needed to "downgrade" software load - had to go thru setup again but it seems to be working now - also had to pair RF remote fortunately …
Another A93 Mini bites the dust - TiVo Community Forum
2021年7月31日 · My A93 just started the Powering Up / signal lost loop. I have a new Bolt VOX 500GB 4-tuner w/ lifetime. I was thinking about using the Bolt instead of buying another mini. I know I can stream and transfer shows to the Bolt.
Mini A92 vs. Mini A93 - TiVo Community Forum
2019年12月1日 · Mini A92 vs. Mini A93 Jump to Latest 3.1K views 2 replies 3 participants last post by JoeKustra Dec 2, 2019
A92 and A93 minis can no longer be activated? - TiVo Community …
2022年1月17日 · I also have similar questions about PLS A92 and A93 (A93 I also thought came w/lifetime). Hmmm... maybe once we get clarification, if they actually can still be shifted to another account, maybe I should buy some spare PLS A92 and A93 now, and move them to my account in case my A93 dies. Seems like the Mini Lux is way overpriced.
A93 Mini refusing to connect to OTA Bolt, even though...
2021年1月1日 · Just got a A93 Mini cannot connect to OTA Bolt issue. I get this issue occasionally especially after I adjust network/router settings, but this time I'm not able to get past this one, it has been at least 12 hours since we are first aware of this issue.
Tivo Mini stuck in reboot loop | Page 2 | TiVo Community Forum
2020年1月6日 · It fortunately still works but I power it off via surge protector when I'm away from home. I also moved it to a UPS due to fear of power blips causing problems for it. Due to reports of A93 failing in 3 to ~5 years, awhile ago, I started shopping for spares, either A92 or A93. I now also have two working A92 as backups, just in case.
Can you activate used mini with Roamio? | TiVo Community Forum
2024年1月14日 · TiVo Mini and TiVo Mini 2 (TSN Prefix A92 and A93 only; not applicable to TiVo Mini VOX/LUX) The typical approach for orphan Mini's has been to install them and let them run on the home network for a couple days, forcing a few TiVo service connections each day, then calling to get them transferred to your account.
Is the A95 Mini Vox as reliable as the A92/93? - TiVo Community …
2020年8月2日 · I had 3 A93 Minis working with my Roamio Plus over MoCA. I upgraded to the A95 Minis and I started getting some random disconnects. I ended up getting a MoCA 2.0 adapter and connecting it to the Roamio Plus via ethernet and that solved the problem. Don't know why the Roamio Plus's internal MoCA didn't like my A95 Minis as much.
Mini start up screen and then shuts off | TiVo Community Forum
2019年12月21日 · When I first got it, the reset button fell off due to cold solder. I had to resolder the button oon and had to remove the existing solder. Has anyone determined what causes this boot looping on the A93? I like the A93 models because it has composite and component output. I wonder if it could be cold solder causing the boot looping.
Trying to Move Mini from TE4 host to a TE3 Host
2020年11月13日 · My A93 Mini has been working fine for years, and for the last two years it has been connected via MoCA and hosted by a Bolt running TE4 (for testing). I finally got so disgusted by that HORRIBLE software (and tired of hearing my wife yell at me about how bad it was that she cannot use that TV at all), so I decided to move it to be hosted by a ...