CHUNK | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
CHUNK definition: 1. a roughly cut piece: 2. a part of something, especially a large part: 3. in golf, to hit a…. Learn more.
torch.chunk()——数组的拆分_.chunk(chunks=2, dim=0)-CSDN博客
torch.chunk 是 PyTorch 中一个用于将张量沿指定维度分割成多个子张量的函数。它对于处理需要均匀分割的张量非常有用。以下是 torch.chunk 的详细介绍,包括其语法、参数、返回值和示例。
CHUNK Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CHUNK is a short thick piece or lump (as of wood or coal). How to use chunk in a sentence.
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爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供a chunk of的中文意思,a chunk of的用法讲解,a chunk of的读音,a chunk of的同义词,a chunk of的反义词,a chunk of的例句等英语服务。 首页
CHUNK中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
CHUNK翻译:大块;厚块, 一部分;(尤指)大部分,一大块。 了解更多。
CHUNK 释义 | 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Online Dictionary
Chunks of something are thick solid pieces of it. They had to be careful of floating chunks of ice. Cut the melon into chunks. 2. 可数名词. A chunk of something is a large amount or large part of it. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. It seems that your browser is blocking this video content.
CHUNK——含义、同义词和翻译| 柯林斯英语词典资源
Chunks of something are thick solid pieces of it. They had to be careful of floating chunks of ice. Cut the melon into chunks. 2. 可数名词. A chunk of something is a large amount or large part of it. Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. The company owns a chunk of farmland near the airport.
chunk noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes ...
Definition of chunk noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. a thick, solid piece that has been cut or broken off something. (informal) a fairly large amount of something. I've already written a fair chunk of the article. This one project has taken a substantial chunk of our budget.
chunk - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
6 天之前 · chunk (plural chunks) A part of something that has been separated. Synonyms: bit, hunk, lump; see also Thesaurus: piece
CHUNK Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
Informal. a thick-set and strong person. a strong and stoutly built horse or other animal. Rent is a real chunk out of my pay. Chunk that wedge of cheese and put the pieces on a plate. Storms …
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