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Zimmerman Motors is a proud sponsor of Susquehanna Smart Drive. Listen for smart driving tips for smart drivers on 94KX.
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94KX News - 94KX
94KX Winternet. posted on: November 1, 2024
Positions advertised that day included: 94KX Promotions Assistants, WKOK part-time news positions, and Sports Producer positions for WKOK, WMLP, WEGH, and WVLY.
on 94kx) 9:00 am to 3:00 pm - Must be registered by 12 pm Awards and Drawings @ 2:30 PM Location: Herndon Ball Field, State Route 147, Herndon PA (South end of town) ENTRY FEE: $10.00 for pre registering $15.00 for same day registration FREE: Goodie Bag & …
Drew & Ali of 94KX & The Daily Item’s Francis Scarcella for the Countdown to the “New Year” with the famous Thomas Edison Light Bulb. Title: SRI3X10NYE (MAIN).indd Author: bkile Created Date:
11 p.m. on 94KX 94.1 FM. April 1: 1 p.m. Free Environmental Double Feature at Campus Theatre The Merrill W. Linn Land & Waterways Conservancy, in conjunction with the Bucknell University Environmental Center, is presenting two films with environmental themes--Mother Nature’s Child and